
How can I shorten the time for the initial TLS handshake without having
to change hand-window in all client configurations?

I have a setup where I have two IP addresses for the vpn server in a
RR DNS entry. Most of the time one of them should not be used as it is
on an expensive metered LTE link. However, if the resolver picks that
ip first and it is firewalled off, the client waits a minute or more
before trying
the second IP, which is not a great user experience.
Is there a way to reject the connection with an instruction to the
client to try
the next server? The connection is UDP, if that matters.

I've tried sending ICMP route administratively prohibited from the
firewall, but either i did it wrong, or it doesn't really help. I have also
tried rejecting the user by returning non zero from a client-connect
script but that throws an authentication error to the user and never
retries the second IP.

any other ideas?

Thank you,

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