On Thu, 16 Apr 2020 13:38:39 +0200
Dajka Tamás <vi...@vipernet.hu> wrote:

> Still does NOT work? You mean, you are able to connect?

Yep. And according to the man page the server should reject certificate
with serial 0B if a file exists in crl/0B (file can be empty)

> If u can't restart the server how can you test? Changing the server
> side requires reboot.

With a SysV system you can restart one of the OpenVPN instances like

/etc/init.d restart server

where "server" is the server.conf without .conf

> You might have missed something with the directory rights. Simply
> 'su' to nobody with a valid shell and try to read the 0B file

As I said in another post, all dirs are 755 and files 644

It smells like a bug. Or a "bug" in the manpage.

richard lucassen

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