Hello list,

Debian Buster, OpenVPN 2.4.0-6

In the man page there is an flag 'dir' to the option 'crl-verify':

If the optional dir flag is specified, enable a different mode where
crl is a directory containing files named as revoked serial numbers
(the files may be empty, the contents are never read). If a client
requests a connection, where the client certificate serial number
(decimal string) is the  name of a file present in the directory, it
will be rejected.

Ok, here we go:

# grep crl-verify /etc/openvpn/server.conf
crl-verify /etc/openvpn/crl dir

I'd like to block cert with serial number 0B:

# openssl x509 -noout -serial -in test.crt | \
  sed 's/.*=//g;s/../&:/g;s/:$//'

AFAIU the manpage I only have to touch the file:

# touch /etc/openvpn/crl/0B

to prevent the cert with serial number 0B from connecting, but no way, I
am still able to connect using this cert with serial 0B.

Have I missed something crucial somwhere?


richard lucassen

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