On 18/05/2019 17:09, Lorenz wrote:
> Hi,
> does the OpenVPN 3 Linux client provide any equivalent to OpenVPN 2 up/down
> scripts?
> I have to manually parse and utilize the DNS servers pushed by the vpn server.
> Theoretically I could increase the log verbosity and extract the DNS servers
> from there but this does not feel right. Is there another way to extract
> pushed options and/or execute external scripts?
Yes, by using some D-Bus tricks.  The openvpn3-service-netcfg process, which
is providing the "VPN API" to the openvpn3-service-client processes (this is
also how we achieve the strict privilege separation).

The openvpn3-service-netcfg process provides a D-Bus service named
net.openvpn.v3.netcfg, which allows scripts to "subscribe" to network change
signals issued by the this service whenever there are, well, network changes
related to the VPN tunnels.

This requires a bit more trickery to explain here.  But have a look at this
Python example script:

Also, access to subscribe to these signals are by default allowed only by the
"openvpn" user.  If that is too strict for you, you can relax that by adding
an additional D-Bus policy file into /etc/dbus-1/system.d.

Basically it would need the same kind of XML header as the net.openvpn.v3.conf
file has, with something like the blob below:

  <policy user="USERNAME">
    <allow send_interface="net.openvpn.v3.netcfg"

    <allow send_interface="net.openvpn.v3.netcfg"

Just replace "USERNAME" with the user you want to have access to subscribe to
these network change signals.

I would also recommend you *not* to update the existing net.openvpn.v3.conf
file, as that will easily be replaced on the next openvpn3-linux update.  The
filename requirements here is basically that the filename must end with
'.conf'.  Also check the system logs for errors if the D-Bus policy got parsed
correctly or not.  You might also need to force the D-Bus daemon to do a
policy reload; typically done via 'systemctl reload dbus' on most systemd
enabled distributions.

To check if your script has registered correctly, as root run this command:

  # openvpn3-admin netcfg-service --list-subscribers

You should see one subscription by an "odd" 1:xxxx  where xxxx is a number;
this refers the connection references used inside the D-Bus universe.  If you
only see the "Current subscribers:" and nothing more, then have a look at the
system logs again.

For more details, see the D-Bus API documentation for the
net.openvpn.v3.netcfg service:

kind regards,

David Sommerseth
OpenVPN Inc

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