On 11/04/17 06:25, saato...@keemail.me wrote:
> I can not use --nobind, as I connect/disconnect/reconnect a large
> number of times, which completely exhausts my IP pool on the server
> within minutes. This topic was discussed earlier on the mailing list
> in case you missed it. Thank you for the suggestion though, would be
> a perfect solution, if I didn't have the issue with the IP pool
> exhaustion.

How does --nobind effect --ifconfig-pool ?

Perhaps, if you identify that you can solve your problem ..


Server: --topology subnet --server {subnet} --duplicate-cn 
--keepalive 3 15
Client: --nobind --client

Should, theoretically, allow you to dis/re-connect 1000+ times per 
minute, indefinitely.


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