
On 15 December 2016 at 21:35, Dreetjeh D <dreet...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> So in (2), parts of the one ta.key are used.....
> I had a hunch when looking at the log`s stating:
>  >TLS: Initial packet from [AF_INET]............:1194, sid=XXXXXXXX
> Where the X`s represent the subkey`s?

No, that's just a random session identifier.

> Thinking loud, the opposite side uses two different subkey`s, then four
> subkey`s are derived.
> If so, then one cannot use two different ta.key`s in same way one can
> use client-CA and server-CA.

The tls-auth key is symmetic key, shared amongst all servers and
client that need to be able to connect to each other.  It is 2048 bit
long, and divided into 4 512-bit subkeys. 2 for server-to-client
crypt/auth and two for client-to-server crypt/auth.  Tls-auth uses
just the auth parts of these keys, and as David already described,
either the same subkey is used for both directions (if no
key-direction is specified), or different subkeys are used (if
key-direction is specified).

The reason why you won't see much VPN providers use the tls-auth key
is that it doesn't work that well with their model: they can't really
trust their clients, but have to give all clients the same tls-auth
key.  This model works much better for company or private VPNs, where
the clients can be trusted to some extend.  (I'm working on adding
support for client-specific tls-auth/tls-crypt keys to fix this, you
can expect a proposal on the openvpn-devel list early next year.)


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