
On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 4:40 AM, Lamsoge, Abhijit <Abhijit.Lamsoge@harman
.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am trying to write python and C based application for modifying
> “OpenVpn” in client mode via management interface.
> I need to do the following
> -          Update the remote server the vpn client connects to at runtime
> However, the current existing management interface works like
> -          First connects to existing specified.
> -          And only on reception of event, can the management interface
> send a new remote site to client.
> I want to
> -          Start openvpn in client mode, and then via my application tell
> openvpn to connect to a remote site, without the reception of event as
> specified in the document for management interface.
> Is there a way to do this ?
> Or maybe I am just lame to not understand it.

As JJK wrote,   --management-hold would greatly help in this case though
not absolutely necessary. What you want to do would work without
management-hold but it would be harder to figure out what state openvpn is
when the app connects to the management interface (MI). So, start openvpn
with the necessary options including --management-query-remote and add
--management-hold to the options. Have your application connect to the MI.
The rest of the dialog could go as shown below as an example:

Text following "OVPN:"  are received from openvpn while the text  following
"APP:" is what to send back. Some of the errors shown depend on options in
the config, actual remote name used etc..

OVPN: >INFO:OpenVPN Management Interface ..
OVPN: >HOLD:Waiting for hold release

APP: log on   (if desired)
APP: state on (will be required for the app to figure out when connection
is established/failed etc..))

The application goes about doing whatever tasks until ready to connect

APP: hold release
OVPN: SUCCESS: hold release succeeded
OVPN: >REMOTE:somehost,1051,udp

At this point openvpn has not even tried to connect to the remote.
Here "somehost" is the remote name in the config or command line -- it need
not be a valid server, but something must be specified.

APP: remote MOD vpn.example.com 1151

OVPN: SUCCESS: remote command succeeded
OVPN: >STATE:1464276809,RESOLVE,,,,,,
OVPN: >STATE:1464276809,RESOLVE,,,,,,
OVPN: >STATE:1464276809,RECONNECTING,init_instance,,,,,

(Note: use "log on" and parse the >LOG lines to figure why is it
reconnecting -- resolv failed in this case, as expected)

OpenVPN goes back to "on-hold"

OVPN: >HOLD:Waiting for hold release

APP: hold release

OVPN: SUCCESS: hold release succeeded
OVPN: >REMOTE:somehost,1051,udp

APP: remote MOD vpn.mydomain.com 1151

OVPN: SUCCESS: remote command succeeded
OVPN: >STATE:1464277194,RESOLVE,,,,,,
OVPN: >STATE:1464277194,WAIT,,,,,,
OVPN: >STATE:1464277194,AUTH,,,,,,
OVPN: >STATE:1464277195,GET_CONFIG,,,,,,
OVPN: >PASSWORD:Verification Failed: 'Auth' .....
OVPN: >STATE:1464277195,RECONNECTING,auth-failure,,,,,
OVPN: >HOLD:Waiting for hold release

APP: hold release

OVPN: SUCCESS: hold release succeeded
OVPN: >REMOTE:somehost,1051,udp

Note the remote name reverted back what is in the config or command-line

APP: signal SIGHUP
(to forget the resolved IP and start afresh)

OVPN: >HOLD:Waiting for hold release


Test using telnet to figure out various failure cases that may have to be
handled in the application.

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