On Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 9:55 AM, <debbie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> An interesting tid-bit about Samsung Galaxy S6 to android 6.0.1
> and OpenVPN Connect
> https://forums.openvpn.net/post59478.html#p59478
Sounds, suspiciously similar to the sleep-resume issue we had on windows..
The interface probably suspends and openvpn exits?
Brings up an interesting question: should power events be handled by openvpn
or by the UI or in a service that starts it (if relevant)? My view:
although openvpn need not directly handle power events, if an interface
driver notifies that it wants to suspend, it should respond to it
appropriately by restarting after a pause, for example. On windows, our
workaround for a long time was for the GUI to suspend/restart openvpn on
power events, though we changed that a while ago to put the onus of
restarting back on to openvpn.
But one could argue that its the job of the process starting openvpn to
respawn it if needed, instead of making it handle all kinds of failure
scenarios... Any thoughts on which is a better approach?
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