
On Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 6:06 AM, ValdikSS <i...@valdikss.org.ru> wrote:

> I'd like that OpenVPN would automatically gain needed privileges in 2.3.9
> but I'm not sure if this is acceptable for all use cases. Could we run it
> as administrator by default until we have working NSSM in a default
> installation?

On Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 6:51 AM, Gert Doering <g...@greenie.muc.de> wrote:

> We had vetos on this in the past (because we want to go for the iService),
> but for 2.3, I would welcome such a change - it will not get the iService
> functionality (too intrusive on the OpenVPn side), so the counterargument
> is somewhat moot.

I suppose, both of these comments refer to running openvpn.exe as admin
by default.

The test I posted was of requiring admin for the GUI itself (IMO, a bad
I just assumed requiring admin for openvpn.exe (though a better idea) would
be vetoed at multiple levels.

If GUI is run as user but openvpn.exe needs admin, the UAC prompt
(or admin password dialog) will pop up each time the GUI starts
a connection -- could be annoying if you have multiple vpn connections.
Given that it won't any more do that at suspend/resume, less of an issue.

Setting the GUI to run as admin may give a better user experience, but that
kills all my interest in adding support in the GUI to control running
instances (ie.g, those started by NSSM).

In either case, if we do any of this for 2.3.x, it would be hard to go back
until a better solution is in place.

FWIW, I too vote for setting "requireAdmin.." on the windows executable
for OpenVPN (not the GUI).

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