On 10-01-15 18:51, Jonathan K. Bullard wrote:
> I just noticed an old (December 2011) blog post by Moxie Marlinspike,
> The Cryptographic Doom Principle
> <http://www.thoughtcrime.org/blog/the-cryptographic-doom-principle/?> 
> mentioned
> recently on Hacker News <https://news.ycombinator.com/>, and wondered
> how the OpenVPN protocol works: in particular, does it "encrypt then
> authenticate"?

For the control channel it does whatever your TLS cipher suite does
(usually mac-then-encrypt, but with an up-to-date version of your crypto
library and having TLS-version negotiation enabled at both ends possibly
aead or encrypt-then-mac).

For the data channel, which is the most interesting since it is the
easiest to influence its traffic as an attacker, OpenVPN uses it's own
protocol, which does encrypt-then-mac. So as far as OpenVPN's own crypto
goes, we're good. Still, if TLS breaks, everything breaks (okay, there
is TLS-auth as a bonus, but that won't always save you either).


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