[Top posting, to follow convention]
The "new" EasyRSA 3.x code/tool doesn't appear to have the problem you're
talking about. [I've recently tested with it, and revoking certs works fine -
at least with the options I'm using - there are obviously other code paths, and
perhaps they would produce the same errors.]
So, it might be worth downloading the most recent EasyRSA tool and see if that
fixes it.
On that note, however, there are substantial problems, IMO, with the EasyRSA
tools in how they produce and encrypt private keys.
EasyRSA uses the old PBKDF1 [vs PBKDF2] format, and 3DES instead of much
stronger options (read AES256). While 3DES may be good enough, at least for
right this second, the PBKDF1 format dramatically weakens even 3DES encrypted
keys, from what I've been told on the OpenSSL mailing list.
I've submitted some code suggestions to fix some of these issues, but I haven't
heard any feedback from the maintainer. However, these aren't
super-straight-forward fixes, since the old code and my new proposed code call
the OpenSSL tools differently, and will require more re-coding and testing
time. [And I feel unskilled/ill-equipped in producing the entire patch myself,
along with quite limited time.]
BB> The mail below was written A LOOONG time ago, that is how often I
BB> have to revoke a VPN certificate. ;-)
BB> Today I had to do it again and once again ran into that error 23
BB> line which got me confused whether I did something wrong or right?
BB> Is there any way to get rid of that error msg and report success
BB> in stead of an error when indeed it has successfully revoke the certificate?
BB> Met vriendelijke groet,
BB> Bonno Bloksma
BB> senior systeembeheerder
BB> tio
BB> university of applied sciences
BB> begijnenhof 8-12 / 5611 el eindhoven
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BB> b.blok...@tio.nl / www.tio.nl
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BB> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
BB> Van: Bonno Bloksma [mailto:b.blok...@tio.nl]
BB> Verzonden: vrijdag 22 april 2011 9:02
BB> Aan: openvpn-users@lists.sourceforge.net
BB> Onderwerp: Re: [Openvpn-users] revoke-full gives error
BB> Hi Yevgeny,
>>Bonno Bloksma wrote:
>>> Did it revoke the certificate? If I look at the crl.pem file it seems
>>> it did.
>>> What is that "error 23 at 0 depth lookup:certificate revoked"?
>>Yes it did. Error 23 refers to revocation test and means it was really
BB> That's funny, to report success on a test as an error.
BB> Or is that just a message string that never got properly inserted in the
BB> (error) message database?
BB> Bonno
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