We rely on file-based cert/key authentication and do not use tls-auth or
other methods. So, just as you recommended, we will need to re-create and
re-issue respective certs and keys to all clients.


Also, can you all help with the following: -


1. After our Windows server has been upgraded to 2.3.3, how can I determine
if a connecting Windows client is still using older insecure versions? I
cannot see anything specific in the server log that tells me client’s
version? Do I need to start the OpenVPN service with specific parameters to
see that information?


2. Heartbleed has no bearing on **production** of certs/keys, correct? Can
we still use easy-rsa without patching it separately?








-----Original Message-----
From: Fredrik Strömberg [mailto:stromb...@insto.org] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2014 6:29 AM
To: Gert Doering
Cc: Sumit Dahiya; openvpn users list (openvpn-users@lists.sourceforge.net)
Subject: Re: [Openvpn-users] Does OpenVPN use the TLS heartbeat extension?
(OpenSSL Security Advisory CVE-2014-0160)


>> 3. Do we need to re-generate all keys/certificates (ca, clients etc.) 

>> and send them over to all clients after this fix?


> Same answer that has been given before - unless you use some sort of 

> extra authentication (--tls-auth or one-time-password authentication), 

> there is a chance that someone stole your keys -> re-generate 

> keys+certs is the most secure approach to it.


And to further complicate the answer. Even if you used tls-auth you were
still vulnerable to getting your keys stolen by anyone that had access to
the tls-auth key.


// Fredrik

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