Meeting summary for 19 June 2024:

 * *Updated: release openvpn 2.6.11*
   /There is a security issue reported by reynir that is resolved, and
   we want to get that out in 2.6.11 tomorrow./
   /The tunnelcrack mitigations for Windows are held back because we
   have had absolutely no response on the mailing lists for testing
   these and confirming that it doesn't break things./
   /If someone can contribute to testing this we can follow up with a
   2.6.12 release in a few weeks that contains the tunnelcrack
   mitigations for Windows./

 * *New: buildbot PRs need attention*
   /Getting these merged soonish would help avoid nasty merge conflicts
   down the line/
   ​Allow skipping build types
   ​Add smoketest builds for openvpn3, openvpn3-linux and ovpn-dco
   /Developers have been pinged in the meeting about these, so they'll
   take a look when they can./

 * *New: fixing openvpn3-linux builds in Buildbot*
   /Mattock has this almost working. Some platforms will have to be
   skipped because openvpn3-linux / gdbuspp dependencies (Meson in
   particular) are too old or missing./
   /As an aside, OpenVPN3 Linux v22 dev for Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and Fedora
   39 and 40 are in the release process./
   /Next step is a 'regular' OpenVPN3 Linux v23 release again./

 * *New: Linux arm64 buildbot workers*
   /Mattock has done initial research./
   /Docker seems to support (QEMU) emulated non-native containers, but
   Buildbot might be missing the glue to make it work./
   /Patching Buildbot should not be *that* difficult./
   /External (arm64) Docker host might be a more performant alternative

 * *New: how to proceed with lzo2.pc*
   /pc file suggests "all includes should be done without|lzo/|prefix"
   - which is generally not a bad idea, but needs code changes beyond
   configure (right?)/
   /There are some options to make changes here. For now we'll just
   keep working around this issue.'
   /One thing seems clear; it would be too early to rip it out, it
   would most likely affect too many people still using it despite the
   fact that they shouldn't./
   /An option we have is to use the OpenVPN3 implementation of lzo and
   port that to OpenVPN2, to solve this./
   /This is a topic that will be moved to the OpenVPN community meetup

 * *New: run tests of 2.x against openvpn3? how?*
   /There is a 'null client' variant of ovpncli that allows to make VPN
   connections but not fully, for testing purposes./
   /This is in the openvpn3 repository./

 * *Updated: trac wiki*
   /Wiki.js felt quite awkward and counterintuitive in practical tests
   done by mattock. It seems to focus on bling rather than usability./
   /Xwiki felt quite bulky and enterprisey (a.k.a. full of "stuff") in
   the practical tests by mattock. It seems an overkill for our simple
   /Mediawiki no longer feels as nasty as it once did :)/
   /Maybe some Git-based wiki-type solution would be ok?/

As always you're welcome to join at #openvpn-meeting on Libera IRC network every Wednesday at 14:00 Central European Time.

Kind regards,
Johan Draaisma
Openvpn-devel mailing list

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