On 12 Oct 2022, at 16:38, Gert Doering wrote:
> people have alreadycomplained at me that I write so long e-mails today,
> so I can write more...
> On Wed, Oct 12, 2022 at 08:39:31AM +0200, Gert Doering wrote:
>> Factor 1: single-peer (client or p2p) vs. multi-peer
>>  single-peer -> DCO has only 1 peer, all packets that go into the
>>                 tun/dco interface are sent out to the single peer
>>                 ("dumb pipe mode") - exactly like tun(4) behaves
>>                 If a subnet is configured on the interface, packets to
>>                 ALL IPs (!= local) in that subnet are sent to the other
>>                 side.  No next-hop lookup is done.
> This is "sort of" handled in if_ovpn.c today
> ovpn_route_peer(struct ovpn_softc *sc, struct mbuf **m0,
>     const struct sockaddr *dst)
> {
> ...
>         /* Shortcut if we're a client (or are a server and have only one 
> client). */
>         if (sc->peercount == 1)
>                 return (ovpn_find_only_peer(sc));
> ... so this works for the client, but has one interesting drawback on the
> server - if there is only a single client connected, the server will send
> ALL to-be-tunneled packets to that client.  As soon as client #2 connects,
> packets are properly sorted.
> [..]
>>  This seems to be a *BSD-specific thing, aka "there is nothing in the
>>  Linux specific code that seems to bother with this".
> I've whacked at if_ovpn.c and dco_freebsd.c a bit now, and I seem
> to have working code for both ends.  I am not a FreeBSD kernel coder,
> so I have no idea how many behavioural standards I am violating,
> but it makes "real subnet mode in OpenVPN" work for me, with DCO.
> Kernel patch attached, OpenVPN patches will follow soonish (outside
> of this e-mail thread).
I’m happy with that, and will commit (modulo one small style tweak) that patch 
in FreeBSD.

Best regards,

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