
On Thu, Mar 31, 2022 at 12:06:06PM +0200, David Sommerseth wrote:
> There is however another related challenge in OpenVPN 2.x, which became 
> even clearer than be fore with the sitnl implementation we switched over 
> to on Linux by default with v2.5.  When using --user/--group without 
> --persist-tun, a reconnect would tear down the interface but could not 
> recover again and the connection dies.  Using --persist-tun, it could 
> work a bit better *unless* it needs to change the IP address of the tun 
> interface.  I'm not sure how well, OpenVPN 2.x works if new routes are 
> being pushed (OpenVPN 3 supports that as well).  This challenge is also 
> resolved by granting the process CAP_NET_ADMIN capabilities.

For most non-trivial stuff, OpenVPN with --user will run into problems,
be it route teardown, installing of new routes at renegotiation time,

So most people today just run 2.x as root, not getting any security 

> For now, my opinion is that it is currently acceptable to have 
> CAP_NET_ADMIN available when running with ovpn-dco; to have a smooth 
> user experience.  OpenVPN is after all a network related process.

I'd even go for "keep CAP_NET_ADMIN for DCO and sitnl" - because it
means "all the route/interface manipulation *and cleanup* stuff can
be done properly, without having to carry root privileges".

> As a way forward after this, the aspect of how much to trust, 
> capabilities and privileges you put into a single process needs to be 
> better defined.  OpenVPN 2.x has a monolithic design, and the 
> architecture of privilege separation is lacking at best.

You might be surprised at what we have in 2.x :-) - with the service
pipe, we can run OpenVPN fully unprivileged, and do so on Windows.  

We just never had anyone bother to implement a backend for this for
"Unixy" platforms...

The benefit of that, securitywise, wouldn't be very large anyway,
compared to "CAP_NET_ADMIN + --user nobody" - the service is still
able to mess up routing and interface config, and that's about what
privileges remain in that combo... - so, dubious benefits, lots of

"If was one thing all people took for granted, was conviction that if you 
 feed honest figures into a computer, honest figures come out. Never doubted 
 it myself till I met a computer with a sense of humor."
                             Robert A. Heinlein, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

Gert Doering - Munich, Germany                             g...@greenie.muc.de

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