
Here's the summary of the IRC meeting.



Place: #openvpn-meeting on libera.chat
Date: Wed 17th November 2021
Time: 14:00 CET (12:00 UTC)

Planned meeting topics for this meeting were here:


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cron2, d12fk, lev, mattock, MaxF, novaflash, ordex, Pippin and rob0 participated in this meeting.


Talked about hackathon T-shirts. Cron2 will send them out both individually and in larger bunches for further distribution. Agreed that the T-shirts look good.


Full chatlog attached

(14:59:51) mattock: howdy
(15:00:04) dazo: yo!
(15:02:05) lev__: hallo
(15:02:16) d12fk: hi
(15:04:49) cron2: hoi
(15:04:55) cron2: had to feed the monsters first...
(15:05:01) ordex: hy
(15:05:04) novaflash: goedendag
(15:05:22) dazo: plaisthos is on a holiday, so I don't expect him here today
(15:05:35) MaxF [~m...@cust-95-128-91-242.breedbanddelft.nl] è entrato nella 
(15:05:47) MaxF: hi!
(15:06:03) cron2: yo!
(15:06:03) mattock: ok let's start
(15:06:24) mattock: https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/Topics-2021-11-17
(15:06:45) cron2: indeed
(15:07:20) cron2: so, T-Shirts.  I have received a box full of T-Shirts, and 
extracted an XL one for me
(15:07:27) mattock: do the T-shirt look ok?
(15:07:31) mattock: T-shirts
(15:07:34) cron2: yes
(15:07:35) cron2: wait
(15:07:38) mattock: \o/
(15:07:43) mattock: too bad they were sol ate
(15:08:13) cron2: https://demo.vct.spacenet.de/o
(15:08:28) cron2: I don't want to do a video meeting, just show the t-shirt :-)
(15:08:49) novaflash: sorry don't have any microphone or camera on this ancient 
(15:08:54) cron2: ah
(15:08:55) mattock: I'll join but keep the video off as I look like shit (flu, 
running nose, etc) :)
(15:09:04) novaflash: looks good!
(15:09:37) mattock: +1
(15:10:00) dazo: +1
(15:10:23) cron2: indeed, they are black :-) - wasn't my doing
(15:10:26) novaflash: thanks for showing
(15:10:33) novaflash: yeah i know, grey wasn't an option
(15:10:39) novaflash: or too light
(15:10:44) cron2: ah
(15:10:52) cron2: *I* am fine with black :-)
(15:11:08) dazo: :-D
(15:11:12) novaflash: tradition must not be broken!
(15:11:26) cron2: so - I can send around a few boxes to aggregation points, 
like "one box to syzzer, with T-Shirts and headphones", and "another to qaware"
(15:11:40) ***rob0 warms up as Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof
(15:11:40) cron2: mattock: how many T-Shirts have you planned for QA?
(15:11:54) mattock: QAware I assume - five
(15:11:59) mattock: five times XL
(15:12:15) MaxF: and then they can all fight over it?
(15:12:30) cron2: ok, so I take out 5x XL, send to qaware.  Then take out all 
the dutch T-Shirts and send to Syzzer (and you can sort this out locally).
(15:12:34) mattock: that's pretty much the plan MaxF :)
(15:13:01) cron2: but what to do with the rest?  I do not think I can manage 
"send individually to the world" in reasonable time
(15:14:06) MaxF: sending them to USA must be crazy expensive
(15:14:08) cron2: do you foresee a "corp people meeting" in the next few 
months?  So I could ship to plaisthos/d12fk, and he can bring it along
(15:14:18) cron2: MaxF: plus customs declarations and stuff...
(15:14:21) mattock: MaxF: sending to the USA is not that expensive
(15:14:23) novaflash: i think we probably will now that travel is somewhat 
possible again
(15:14:29) mattock: I can't recall getting a stroke when I did it the last time
(15:14:36) novaflash: but likely not with USA people
(15:16:07) ***cron2 suggests that corp people sort this out internally and let 
me know where to ship the "corp" part of the box :-)
(15:16:39) mattock: yeah, one corp box sounds reasonable
(15:16:50) mattock: we can ask around to figure out where that box should go
(15:16:58) cron2: let me know :-)
(15:17:22) cron2: for the non-hackathon-attendees - we have a few 
T-Shirt-Requests in the wiki.  Have these been part of the order?
(15:17:52) d12fk: I don't mind bringing the shirts, however if someone else 
want their shirt urgently, I'll pass, as I do not
(15:18:47) mattock: yes, there are shirts for the non-participants 
(15:20:01) cron2: ok... so maybe I can ship those direct (otherwise too much 
shipping and delay).  Can you e-mail me the addresses?
(15:20:56) mattock: I only have wiscii's address
(15:21:00) mattock: the rest will have to be dug out
(15:21:27) mattock: I'll send that address to you now
(15:21:49) cron2: thanks
(15:24:09) mattock: done
(15:24:41) Pippin_: @mattock you have my address too
(15:24:53) Pippin_: mattock: ^
(15:24:54) mattock: mm, let me try to find that one
(15:26:52) mattock: can't find it - care to send it again?
(15:28:21) mattock: or send it to cron2 rather
(15:28:30) mattock: if he's going to ship the T-shirt
(15:28:36) Pippin_: Ah just send it
(15:28:40) Pippin_: :)
(15:28:40) cron2: yeah
(15:29:49) Pippin_: done...
(15:30:34) syzzer: I can redistribute to MaxF and jjk
(15:31:06) cron2: syzzer: pippin_ is also in NL, so I'll pack his t-shirt into 
your headphone box :-)
(15:31:13) syzzer: sure!
(15:31:28) cron2: (nothing has arrived yet, tho)
(15:31:41) syzzer: that will probably take a few weeks
(15:32:39) syzzer: they said "within 60 days", and only 11 have passed.
(15:34:20) cron2: shall we proceed to non-tshirty things?
(15:34:37) mattock: yes
(15:34:57) novaflash: you go on ahead i'll keep thinking about those t-shirts
(15:35:14) cron2: syzzer: novaflash is also in NL (I think :) )
(15:35:26) novaflash: ah yes i am
(15:36:25) syzzer: I guess we'll need to go and drink a beer sometime then :-D
(15:36:33) cron2: beer good
(15:36:39) novaflash: +1 for beer topic
(15:36:54) cron2: over here, I'm canceling all restaurant meetings due to 
insane covid numbers... :-(
(15:38:10) syzzer: I'm still hoping for the booster shots to do their magic 
before Google manages to send my headphones to you. But yeah, we're sort-of in 
lockdown again in NL.
(15:39:43) MaxF: weeell, restaurants till 8 pm is not something I would call 
sort-of lockdown
(15:40:22) cron2: we have high hopes for "EMA approves vaccine for kids 5-12" 
*and* "we somehow find a doctor that is not totally overwhelmed *or* waiting 
for STIKO recommendations"
(15:40:36) cron2: estimated ~100.000 kids 5-12 in Munich...
(15:41:22) cron2: anyway
(15:41:27) mattock: fun fact cron2: somebody noticed the "gmane links broken on 
website" thing and reassigned it
(15:41:34) mattock: so there is hope that it will get fixed
(15:41:36) cron2: mattock: oh, nice :-)
(15:41:53) cron2: so, 2.5 / 2.6
(15:41:56) mattock: +1
(15:41:59) cron2: one of the items is "openssl config"
(15:42:12) cron2: lev__: do you see a chance we could have something for Selva 
to test for 2.5?
(15:42:49) cron2: not sure what that implies - "back to our own vcpkg for 
1.1.1" or "some option"?
(15:44:25) lev__: someone needs to dive into vcpkg openssl build script and 
change OSSLDIR (or whatever) to a more reasonable value than current build 
directory, or make in customizable
(15:44:51) cron2: who understands windows MSVC building?  lev__, d12fk, ...?
(15:45:10) lev__: it is more about openssl building
(15:45:37) ***d12fk is not an MSVC expert, did all my stuff with mingw
(15:47:19) lev__: do we need it also for openssl 1.1.1
(15:48:31) cron2: yes
(15:50:57) cron2: well, my understanding is, 1.1.1 for 2.5, 3.0.1+ for 2.6
(15:51:30) cron2: and the lack of openssl.cnf is impacting some users of 2.5 
due to key stores that do not do "things" but can be fixed with openssl.cnf
"--prefix=${OPENSSLDIR_RELEASE}" "--openssldir=${OPENSSLDIR_RELEASE}"
(15:52:18) lev__: so vcpkg uses the same directory (current build dir) for 
--prefix and --openssldir
(15:53:11) cron2: that is a bit silly... so either change the port to use 
c:/etc/ssl/ - or build our own, with c:/program files/openvpn/ssl/ or 
(15:54:37) lev__: 
 which one is used for config file ?
(15:55:02) mattock: we're running out of time here btw
(15:55:25) mattock: I need to head out to get $child, but if you can fight this 
topic out without me that'd be great! :)
(15:56:07) cron2: I need to be in a video call in 4 minutes, so "fight it out 
without me"... (sorry, too much t-shirt talk)
(15:56:15) mattock: yeah
(15:56:20) mattock: ok, we can fight this out later
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