
On 11/06/2021 11:48, Arne Schwabe wrote:
> Am 11.06.21 um 02:41 schrieb Antonio Quartulli:
>> Hi,
>> On 20/05/2021 17:11, Arne Schwabe wrote:
>>> When not using username and password (i.e. auth-user-pass) it can still make
>>> to provide the client with an auth-token, e.g. for allowing a session to
>>> continue after a reconnect without requiring 2FA again.
>>> However, without --auth-user-pass openvpn does not have a username and will
>>> ignore any pushed auth-token command.
>>> This patch adds support for auth-token-user to set the username that should
>>> be used for auth-token
>>> The spec of using auth-token-user base64-encoded-user are the ones that
>>> OpenVPN3 already implements.
>>> Patch V2: Improve style, fix comments and commit message
>>> Signed-off-by: Arne Schwabe <a...@rfc2549.org>
>> This patch hasn't changed since the last time it was on the mailing list
>> (and I acked it), so the same goes for this copy.
>> @Arne I have a new question though: what is expected to happen is the
>> --auth-token-user is specified in the global config?
>> Is the same user supposed to be used with every client?
>> Or is it just ignored?
>> I am testing this case and I don't see the user being pushed to the client.
> It is probably the same as with auth-token itself. OpenVPN will pick it
> up and use it but most times it is not every useful as auth-token should
> be pushed from the server. It is an artefact from how we parse things.

Makes sense - it is jus interpreted locally, but there is not much sense.

This said, the rest looks good.

Acked-by: Antonio Quartulli <anto...@openvpn.net>

Antonio Quartulli

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