> Hi,
> On Thu, Apr 01, 2021 at 08:20:48AM +0200, Simon Matter wrote:
>> > Yes. But it only affects the control channel. For data channel we
>> never
>> > do retransmits.
>> OK, but it still could help in case of things like VoIP UDP over OpenVPN
>> UDP with lots of small packets going over the link with low package
>> loss?
> No, because VoIP-over-OpenVPN would be "data channel".
> It would help with "control channel handshake takes very long due to
> packet
> loss".
> There's a different patchset floating around (I think it's a PR, actually)
> that promises to add data-channel redundancy and being able to recover
> some
> amount of packet loss without retransmit.  Which I find very interesting,
> but this has not been followed up due to "it's complex and nobody has
> time"
> reasons.
> gert

Thanks for the explanation!


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