
On 26/03/2021 12:03, Arne Schwabe wrote:
> Am 26.03.21 um 00:15 schrieb Antonio Quartulli:
>> Hi,
>> On 25/03/2021 18:44, Arne Schwabe wrote:
>>> These have been troublesome in the past and also today's CVE-2021-3449
>>> DOS is only exploitable if renegotiation is enabled.
>>> Signed-off-by: Arne Schwabe <a...@rfc2549.org>
>> What is the practical effect of this change?
>> With the current code (before this patch) when would OpenSSL/mbedTLS
>> start a renegotiation on its own?
> Documentation from OpenSSL:
> Disable all renegotiation in TLSv1.2 and earlier. Do not send
> HelloRequest messages, and ignore renegotiation requests via ClientHello.
> From mbed TLS:
> Enable / Disable renegotiation support for connection when initiated by
> Warning
> It is recommended to always disable renegotation unless you know you
> need it and you know what you're doing. In the past, there have been
> several issues associated with renegotiation or a poor understanding of
> its properties.
> Note
> Server-side, enabling renegotiation also makes the server susceptible to
> a resource DoS by a malicious client.
> So for mbed TLS it was off by default anyway, this patch just doesn't
> trust the default for mbed TLS. Renegotiation is also dropped from TLS
> 1.3. Furthermore in TLS 1.2 you would use it to restart a session with
> diffferent parameter (now with client certs). So the is no real use case
> in OpenVPN to have it enabled.

Thanks a lot! This was definitely eye-opening, especially for somebody
that does not eat oat and SSL for breakfast :-)

It'd be nice though to have a little summary of this in the commit
message (no need to copy/paste verbatim text from openssl/mbedtls though).

I have a couple minor comments for the patch...incoming soon!


Antonio Quartulli

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