
Here's the summary of the IRC meeting.



Place: #openvpn-meeting on irc.freenode.net
Date: Wed 10th March 2021
Time: 11:30 CET (10:30 UTC)

Planned meeting topics for this meeting were here:


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cron2, dazo, mattock, ordex and plaisthos participated in this meeting.


Plaisthos is working on the Windows side of DCO. The Linux part is waiting for the patch backlog to clear. Besides that the Linux part is ready except that some fringe cases might still not work and some cleanups would be in order.

Once plaisthos gets DCO integrated with the Access Server then OpenVPN Inc. QA will start their testing it. This will also help on the community side.


Noted that FIPS support is now ready.


Agreed that Wednesday 17th March 2021 is a reasonable release date for OpenVPN 2.5.2. The CVE numbers are in the works and GPG signing key renewal has been completed. FreeBSD and Debian package maintainers have been given a heads up.


Noted that community.openvpn.in does not support IPv6.


Agreed that the fix to the mbedTLS 2.25.0 crashbug is reasonable. We'd like to get syzzer's approval, though.


Full chatlog attached
(12:29:25) mattock: hi
(12:30:17) cron2: ho!
(12:31:26) plaisthos: moin moin
(12:31:43) dazo: hey!
(12:32:29) cron2 ha scelto come argomento: Agenda 
(12:33:47) Pippin_ [~Pippin_@] è entrato nella stanza.
(12:34:56) mattock: ok are we ready?
(12:35:16) cron2: ordex and lev__ are missing...
(12:35:30) ordex: here here
(12:35:31) ordex: sorry
(12:35:54) cron2: then let's start :-)
(12:36:22) notafile ha abbandonato la stanza (quit: Quit: Bridge terminating on 
(12:36:47) mattock: yes
(12:36:52) mattock: sync up
(12:37:07) mattock: lev is on vacation btw
(12:37:09) dazo: lev__ is on holiday
(12:37:15) mattock: haha, I was faster
(12:37:18) mattock: :)
(12:37:21) dazo: :-P
(12:37:24) cron2: okay, so...
(12:37:27) cron2: 2.6/master
(12:37:42) cron2: I'm working my way through the "delayed auth" patchset, and 
might eventually get there :-)
(12:38:44) cron2: then, SRV, and possibly "OOM handling revisit"
(12:39:53) dazo: OOM?
(12:40:22) ordex: the M_FATAL on alloc failure ?
(12:40:25) cron2: when we hit out of memory, and memory is really short, it's 
possible that we hit OOM again on our way towards an "orderly cleanup"
(12:40:35) cron2: and then we start looping and filling syslogs
(12:40:59) cron2: https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/ticket/1390
(12:41:27) dazo: thx!
(12:42:08) cron2: so any news from the DCO side?  or anything else related to 
(12:42:34) ordex: plaisthos is working on the windows part now
(12:42:50) ordex: the linux part is kind of "on-hold" but I don't know what's 
required to get it "done"
(12:43:02) cron2: who is holding it?
(12:43:05) ordex: plaisthos is also worried that sending more patches to the ml 
will just not look good
(12:43:29) ordex: so he was hoping that our backlog could be cleaned up before 
sending the dco patches
(12:43:48) cron2: yeah, we need to get patchwork into a proper state again.  
There's the fingerprint patchset, and I think some sort of "cleanup/refactor" 
of TLS stuff
(12:44:13) cron2: volunteers on this one?  
(12:44:15) vpnHelper: Title: OpenVPN 2 - Patchwork (at patchwork.openvpn.net)
(12:44:21) cron2: (that's the fingerprint stuff)
(12:44:35) ordex: for FIPS we are done, right ?
(12:44:44) plaisthos: cron2: I am fithgint against windows overlapped i/o on 
the dco side
(12:44:45) cron2: it's a bit political ("do we want to go there?") and lots of 
"is the implementation sane"
(12:45:16) cron2: ordex: I think so, yes.  The "waht to do with mbedTLS 
debugging?" is pending a decision and/or feedback from them
(12:45:25) plaisthos: For the linux parts there is basically more testing 
required and some more fringe features might be broken but otherwise it is kind 
of done
(12:45:37) cron2: very nice
(12:46:12) notafile [notafilema@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-cnbxilqmymxgdwvb] è 
entrato nella stanza.
(12:46:16) plaisthos: it is still rough in some parts and might require some 
clean up but all the code is there
(12:46:20) dazo: I can also spin up some Fedora Copr builds on the openvpn-git 
repo, giving installable packages for daring users
(12:46:52) plaisthos: dazo: doesn't make sense yet
(12:47:02) plaisthos: either user can compile it themselves or they can't
(12:47:21) dazo: okay, more time for me to do other things in the mean time :-P
(12:47:28) plaisthos: and unless we also package ovpn-dco there is no sense in 
prebuilding just openvpn+dco
(12:48:20) cron2: has there been feedback from the "Linux Kernel" people?  or 
have you not submitted it yet?
(12:48:34) ordex: not submitted
(12:48:44) ordex: we have to test omre
(12:48:45) ordex: more
(12:48:48) dazo: yeah, we have a few "tail chasing" challenges now related to 
openvpn3-linux repos, where the ovpn-dco stuff resides .... and we're not yet 
ready with another openvpn3-linux release
(12:48:49) ordex: add more features hopefully
(12:48:59) ordex: so until we have openvpn2 running with it, we can't get there
(12:49:52) cron2: okay
(12:50:28) cron2: I'll focus on the "delayed auth" patchset, and after that 
maybe I can spin up a test rig for openvpn2-dco-server and see in which 
intersting ways I can break it
(12:50:34) ordex: the userbase is basically 3 people at the moment, we need 
more ;p
(12:50:48) cron2: "ship it with the next AS release"
(12:51:04) dazo: hehehe
(12:51:07) cron2: so... cleanup of patchwork... any volunteers on the 
"fingerprint" patchset?
(12:51:09) ordex: +1
(12:51:22) ordex: I can jump on it
(12:51:26) ordex: since I am done with fips
(12:51:30) ordex: and I like that thing
(12:51:46) ordex: will delegate to me
(12:52:08) ordex: done
(12:52:32) plaisthos: ordex: if it doesn't apply cleanly anymore I can resend a 
rebased version
(12:52:44) ordex: sure
(12:52:45) ordex: will check
(12:53:05) cron2: ordex: great, thanks
(12:53:19) cron2: but somewhat more serious - can corp QA help with DCO?
(12:53:27) cron2: or is it not yet in that stage?
(12:53:51) ordex: probably can
(12:53:51) ordex: and will
(12:53:59) ordex: especially once arne gets an AS running with dco
(12:54:16) plaisthos: yeah
(12:54:27) plaisthos: I have a hacky AS version with dco
(12:54:32) cron2: nice
(12:54:43) mattock: I'm aiming to reduce the workload of corp QA in the coming 
months: krzee and I will convert a huge bunch manual test "playbook" into 
automated tests 
(12:54:46) plaisthos: but it requires either multihome or multiple sockets to 
be a drop in replacements
(12:54:49) mattock: will not help us now, but in the future
(12:54:53) plaisthos: and also lot of ui and handholding
(12:54:54) ordex: plaisthos: why not focus on that and get it to QA before 
going full spin on windows? (even though you are there already)
(12:55:13) ordex: plaisthos: ah multihome is a must ?
(12:55:22) ordex: AS always has more than one IP ?
(12:55:32) plaisthos: well. Or even more refactoring on AS side
(12:55:49) plaisthos: basically by default AS listens on with multihome
(12:55:58) ordex: ok, we can discuss in some corp meeting then
(12:56:01) plaisthos: so not having multihome would probably break some setups
(12:56:44) ordex: ok, that's coming, so we can wait for it
(12:56:59) plaisthos: but next AS release 2.9 will not have it anyway
(12:57:09) plaisthos: that is basically feature frozen at this point
(12:57:28) ordex: plaisthos: sure sure, the point was crafting something that 
can be tested by corp QA
(12:57:33) ordex: to extend the coverage of testing
(12:57:44) plaisthos: yeah that can work
(12:57:52) cron2: "next AS release" brings us to 2.5.2, I think... :-)
(12:57:53) ordex: yap, so we can have more people find unreasonable bugs ;p
(12:58:12) dazo: :-D
(12:58:41) dazo: unreasonable .... or "oh, is that also a feature being used?" 
(12:59:08) ordex: :D
(12:59:16) cron2: does "next wednesday" still stand for the AS and OpenVPN 
2.5.2 release?
(13:00:05) plaisthos: need to check with novaflash
(13:00:20) plaisthos: but I think so
(13:00:21) dazo: I think that is more doable now, if mattock has all he needs 
for spinning of the release machinery
(13:00:32) dazo: *off
(13:00:42) mattock: I did not test the new security gpg key, but assuming it 
works there are no blockers
(13:01:16) cron2: dazo: did you make progress with the CVE numbers?
(13:01:44) dazo: cron2: yes, we have a solution now ... there are just some 
minor things needed to be sorted out and we're good.
(13:02:04) dazo: I'll keep you posted when the number is ready
(13:02:23) cron2: cool
(13:02:46) cron2: I'll prepare everything tuesday evening and can push to 
mattock's tree early wednesday
(13:03:55) cron2: plaisthos might want to look into the new thing reported to 
security@ - if that is easily fixable, maybe we can get it into 2.5.2 as well
(13:04:03) dazo: I'll schedule the Fedora repos as well, so when tarball + sig 
is ready, I can kick it off.
(13:04:15) mattock: cron2: ok
(13:04:41) mattock: btw. I'm looking into the NSIS snapshot builder 
(openvpn-build buildslave) now
(13:05:14) cron2: debian package maintainer has been pre-warned, freebsd is 
m-a, so I'll catch him when we're sure about release (-> novaflash ACKs)
(13:05:16) mattock: it was down (intentionally but mistakenly shut down by 
another person) so now it is up
(13:05:31) mattock: need to fix some issues with it though
(13:05:45) cron2: that was easy... :-) (and your monitoring needs some love)
(13:05:56) mattock: what monitoring?
(13:05:58) mattock: :P
(13:06:11) cron2: which, btw, mentions that we have no IPv6 on community...
(13:06:35) mattock: yep, I've heard that issue has persisted quite a while
(13:06:37) mattock: :D
(13:06:56) cron2: ok, let's not loose time on that now
(13:07:13) dazo: I wonder if they're about to skip IPv6 and awaits IPv7 instead 
(13:07:26) plaisthos: dazo: can you give me the security key
(13:07:30) dazo: plaisthos: sure!
(13:07:34) plaisthos: so I can look into the thing that cron2 said?
(13:07:46) cron2: I offered to implement IPX in OpenVPN, but there is no 
currently-maintained unix OS that still supports IPX...
(13:08:05) dazo: :-D
(13:08:41) dazo: cron2: you know that's quite telling of your age when you get 
that kind of offers :-P  /me ducks
(13:09:33) cron2: I had to implement IPX routing for one client at a time (over 
GRE tunnels between Ciscos) and Appletalk routing for a different client (using 
Telebit routers that could do it natively)...
(13:09:51) cron2: never got to do Banyan Vines or DECnet, alas!
(13:09:59) dazo: :-D
(13:10:09) cron2: and yeah, I'm old, and now I'm going to tell stories of the 
time before the war...
(13:10:13) cron2: ;-)
(13:10:18) cron2: shall we return to the agenda?
(13:10:23) mattock: yes, I was about to ask
(13:10:27) plaisthos: does windows still support IPX?
(13:10:29) dazo: I remember the join when turning off an IPX network with a 
Novel server back in the late 90s :-P
(13:10:46) plaisthos: I remember that games required IPX to work
(13:10:52) dazo: oh, true!
(13:11:04) dazo: but .... agenda!  history session is done :-P
(13:12:35) mattock: did we agree something on #3: mbedTLS 2.25.0 crash bug / 
patch ?
(13:12:36) cron2: so, mbedTLS 2.25.0 crashbug... where do we want to go?  Given 
that we do not know (yet) if 2.26.x will have this fixed, or if there will be a 
2.25.1 with the fix, doing "we only do something #ifdef MBED_VERSION = 2.25.0" 
doesn't sound a good approach
(13:13:03) cron2: that is #4 on my agenda :)
(13:13:23) mattock: on mine as well, now that I re-read it
(13:13:25) mattock: :)
(13:15:49) plaisthos: so I think the reduce log level to 2 when we don't need 
it part is good
(13:15:58) cron2: yeah
(13:16:02) cron2: I need to drop out, sorry
(13:16:06) plaisthos: since there might be other debug print issues lurking as 
this seems not to be tested well on their side
(13:16:12) cron2: food delivery man brought lunch 1 hour early :-(
(13:16:20) plaisthos: cron2: good appetite
(13:16:48) mattock: I think we managed to avoid the "review culture" discussion
(13:16:56) mattock: I'm sure cron2 would have input there
(13:17:10) dazo: I think the fix on the list is reasonable for the time being.  
Would be great to get syzzer's approval though, but reducing the chances to 
crash openvpn is always a good idea
(13:20:23) ***plaisthos waits for the mail from dazo
(13:21:46) plaisthos: meanwhile my errors get more and more bizarre: 2021-03-10 
12:21:17 us=109000 write UDP: No error (fd=0,code=364)
(13:21:58) mattock: shall we move the rest of the conversation to next week?
(13:22:14) mattock: no movement on buildbot front, except what I mentioned 
earlier in this meeting
(13:25:54) dazo: plaisthos: found the "Send" button now :-P
(13:26:36) plaisthos: on the two patches of series 874
(13:26:59) plaisthos: patch 1 is obsoleted/superseded with connect improvements
(13:27:34) plaisthos: for patch 2 that needs to be rebased on master
(13:30:12) mattock: dazo: you have been forgetting about the existence of that 
button recently :P
(13:30:29) mattock: ok we're done here, unless somebody screams in 2 minutes
(13:30:29) plaisthos: dazo: where do I get the passpharse for that key?
(13:30:55) dazo: plaisthos: look carefully in some of your other windows ;-)
(13:31:17) plaisthos: ah that is the password
(13:32:39) mattock: sending the summary now, I think this went from meeting 
into hacking :D
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