
On Mon, Mar 08, 2021 at 11:53:09AM +0100, Gert Doering wrote:
> After some discussion on IRC today, it turns out that I was holding
> my test rig wrong.  As in: breakage occurs in the combination of
> "mbed TLS 2.25.0, TLS, TCP and --dev tap", but it does not actually 
> matter whether this patch is applied or not - 2.5.1 breaks as well.  

Arne found the trigger.

It is neither related to TCP nor to "--dev tap", but it needs a server
side with "OpenSSL 1.1.1" *and* a client side with "mbedTLS 2.25" to
trigger this - both ends need to negotiate curve25591, and then mbedTLS
will crash in the debug print function.


My current test rigs do not test this combination, except for this
particular test case (tcp+tap towards --inetd server), so we were chasing
red herrings for a while...

I need to think long and hard now how to add meaningful tests with
the new test matrix 

   openssl 1.0.2u <-> openssl 1.1.1
   mbedTLS "oldish" <-> mbedTLS "very new

to the test sets, without making the already-long server side test 
(40 minutes) go totally out of bounds...


"If was one thing all people took for granted, was conviction that if you 
 feed honest figures into a computer, honest figures come out. Never doubted 
 it myself till I met a computer with a sense of humor."
                             Robert A. Heinlein, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

Gert Doering - Munich, Germany                             g...@greenie.muc.de

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