
> This may be because the file version of openvpn.exe is not changed ( 
> -- we may have to add a build number ( the 4th last digit) and increment it 
> each time. That would make the final 2.5.0 release something like 2.5.0.xx 
> for the file versions though the product version can be 2.5.0, hopefully.

Yep, that's what we will do (update version.m4).

> (2) At the end of install the GUI is launched as admin, not user.

I couldn't reproduce that on my Windows 10 laptop:

 - installed 2.5 beta2 as unprivileged user "guest1"
 - checked in task manager that openvpn-gui is launched under "guest1" user
 - rebooted and checked again that openvpn-gui is launched under the
same "guest1" user.

> Although not prompted for reboot, I did reboot and checked again that the 
> binaries are still the old one's. F

Should be fixed in beta3.


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