Good morning, we had a nice meeting today, and here's the summary and chatlog:
- 2.5 release is nicely taking shape, most features are in, and the code in master is very well tested already - we agree on renaming --ncp-ciphers to --data-ciphers, to make clear that this is not a debugging aid anymore but "the!" control switch to set (to-be-negotiated) data channel ciphers in the future. - we broke WolfSSL with the "nonconditional AEAD" patch, which was unintended but "we really require AEAD in 2.5 to be always available" - remaining bugs/warts for "must be in 2.5.0!" are to be tracked in TRAC with "milestone 2.5.0" - warts that are slightly annoying but not as urgent get set to "milestone 2.5.1" ("fix after initial release") - tentative release schedule (which looks doable) * 2.5_beta1 on August 05 * 2.5.0 on September 10 Slightly redacted chatlog: 11:31 < ordex> aloha 11:32 < dazo> \o/ 11:33 -!- dazo changed the topic of #openvpn-meeting to: Agenda at 11:35 < cron2> and indeed there it is :-) 11:36 < cron2> I've put a few things on the agenda so we can decide how to move onwards 11:36 < dazo> lets start on the top :) 11:36 < cron2> first, thank you all for amazing work in the last weeks - we're in pretty good shape for the release (though some odd corners remain) 11:36 < ordex> yeehaaa! 11:37 < cron2> I totally love my newfound understanding of the plugin APIs :-) 11:37 < cron2> next thing: decided on "do we want to rename ncp-ciphers to data-ciphers" - this is a bit more than "just code review", which is why I put it here 11:38 < cron2> the patch is fine, and it also accepts the old option as compat alias, so it won't break anything 11:38 < ordex> imho, it makes the real goal of the directive more clear 11:38 < ordex> to the users and to us 11:38 < cron2> "the new real goal" :-) - but yes, I agree 11:38 < plaisthos> ncp-ciphers was a good and fitting name when it was introduced and --cipher was still king of the hill 11:39 < dazo> yeah, I agree to the renaming --ncp-ciphers ... NCP itself is more a technical detail which users don't really need to care about ... --data-ciphers describes better what it does 11:39 < ordex> yap yap, what dazo says 11:39 < ordex> ncp is really an "under the hood detail" 11:39 < plaisthos> but moving forward (esp. when my ncp v2.5 patch gets in), data-ciphers is only thing that remains 11:40 < cron2> good :-) - nobody objects, make it so (I'll review, ACK, merge later) 11:40 < dazo> I would probably prefer to see a INFO (or WARNING?) when --ncp-cipehers is used, educate them to move to --data-ciphers so we in can remove --ncp-ciphers in the future and only have --data-ciphers 11:40 < cron2> you need to excuse me for ~10 minutes - family business (collison, unavoidable) 11:42 < plaisthos> dazo: I don't think we should remove ncp-ciphers 11:42 < dazo> why? 11:43 < plaisthos> it is an alias that does not complicate code and giving people the opportunity to have config that are also compatible with 2.4 is more important than forcing people to a bit nicer sounding option 11:43 < ordex> true, but we also don't want to carry legacy things for decades, no ? I think it would be nice to get rid of it at some point? like any other deprecate doption 11:43 < dazo> Right, I'm not saying removing NOW ... But more in line of 2.8 or something like that ... but that we already now just add a INFO/WARN to tell users to switch to --data-ciphers whenever --ncp-ciphers is spotted 11:44 < plaisthos> dazo: as compromise, we can keep it around as long as we kept udp-mtu as an alias for tun-mtu ;) 11:44 < ordex> from the user perspective, there is no difference between ncp-cipher and anyother option we deprecate, I think > 11:44 < ordex> ? 11:44 < ordex> :D 11:44 < plaisthos> udp-mtu is an alias for link-mtu, sorry 11:44 < dazo> I was not aware of udp-mtu at all 11:45 < plaisthos> see 11:45 < plaisthos> ncp-cipher will fall out of use eventually anyway 11:45 < ordex> hehe 11:45 < plaisthos> and both data-ciphers and ncp-ciphers are not as necessary as --cipher 11:45 < plaisthos> since they will always have good deafults 11:46 < plaisthos> since we can slowly add and remove cipher in versions 11:47 < dazo> That's what I really dislike about openvpn ... we have so many options with no good overview of many of them ... we should avoid leaving things behind like that (udp-mtu got switched to link-mtu in 1.5_beta1!) 11:47 < syzzer> +1 on --data-ciphers 11:48 < dazo> Had udp-mtu had a warning to switch to link-mtu ... it would be clearer why we had that option and we could actually kick it out and have a cleaner code 11:48 < syzzer> and +1 on keeping --ncp-ciphers around for now. Options that actually add complexity is what hurts us, not aliases. 11:48 < syzzer> we might want to consider adding --data-ciphers as an alias to 2.4 too though 11:49 < syzzer> makes it easier for people to use the new name 11:49 < dazo> I really agree to have --ncp-ciphers as an alias to --data-ciphers (or vice versa, doesn't matter) .... but I really want to improve the code cleanliness for the future too 11:51 < syzzer> We all agree like 99%. It's just that I believe plain aliases add neglegible complexity :) 11:52 < cron2> re 11:52 * plaisthos is with syzzer on this 11:53 < plaisthos> but let's postpone the "deprecate aliases" discussion 11:53 < plaisthos> because that affects a lot more optiosn than just ncp/data-ciphers 11:54 < cron2> indeed. I suggest we collect aliases on the "deprecated options" page as well, and decide when and what to do about it next meeting? 11:55 < dazo> I'm fine with that 11:55 < plaisthos> I peronsally think the effort deprecating them etc is not worth what we gain 11:55 < plaisthos> deprecation udp-mtu would gain us nothing but makes a lot of effort 11:55 < cron2> I'm curious how many we have and what effort it would be 11:55 < dazo> patch already on the way to the ML ... didn't take that much effort ;-) 11:56 < cron2> where's the dazo that always rejects anything that might people's running configs? 11:56 < cron2> "break" 11:57 < dazo> :-P 11:57 < ordex> "his was changed in 11:57 < ordex> OpenVPN 1.5_beta1 (release July 2003)" 11:57 < dazo> For aliases the effort shouldn't be big ... as they already have a 100% compatible replacement ... so it's more the aspect of defining a process to review alias options to clean up 11:57 < ordex> :p 11:57 < cron2> seriously: the change is trivial, but usually it's you worrying about "someone might have this in an old config and they are not aware because it always worked" 11:58 < dazo> I know ... but as long as there is a reasonable transition period ... and users are informed about it in advance, I'm fine with cleaning up stuff 11:59 < plaisthos> can we postpone the discussion for time and move on with 2.5 release? 11:59 < ordex> dazo is getting compromised 11:59 < dazo> agreed 11:59 < ordex> yeah 11:59 < cron2> yes, as we agreed already 11:59 < plaisthos> I am drafting a reply to your udp-mtu patch on the mail to give my perspective 11:59 < cron2> so, NCP rework patch - I do not want to discuss this *now*, but I'm searching for a review victim^Wvolunteer 12:00 < dazo> plaisthos: it's less efforts to just ACK it :-P 12:00 < cron2> syzzer: this is really your territory :-) 12:01 * syzzer was afk for 5 mins. Reading backlog... 12:01 < plaisthos> testing is for everyone :P 12:03 < cron2> I'm happy to whack the patch from all sides, but I'd really love to have someone who understands crypto sanity-check code and concept. 12:03 < ordex> I think having syzzer read that patch would be nice too :) 12:03 < cron2> syzzer: if you do not object very quickly, I'll assume that is a lazy-ACK on volunteering *cough* :-) 12:03 < syzzer> yeah, I'll try to review it. Stare-at-code should work. Testing from others is very welcome. 12:04 < cron2> lev__: can you hit your testbed with it? 12:04 < dazo> plaisthos: in the .rst file .... it should not be a space between the "--option" line and the block below 12:05 < cron2> dazo: if the content is OK otherwise, I can fix whitespace on the fly 12:05 < cron2> and typos 12:06 < lev__> I think I can 12:06 < cron2> cool :-) 12:06 < lev__> what patch exactly is that 12:06 < dazo> sounds good! ... side-note: I'll try to update the file with recommended styling for our .rst files 12:06 < cron2> lev__: 12:06 < vpnHelper> Title: [Openvpn-devel,9/9] Rework NCP compability logic and drop BF-CBC support by default - Patchwork (at 12:06 < cron2> dazo: +1 12:07 < cron2> so. 12:07 < ordex> \o/ 12:08 < cron2> 1.3. -> how do we track "small things we find at testing"? I currently track stuff that I find during ACK-and-merge in my mailbox, but that does not scale well. Not sure the "StatusOfOpenVPN25" page is ideally suited for that, so I suggest using trac more active, with "milestone 2.5.0" for "must be fixed!" patches, and maybe "milestone 2.5.1" for "yeah, this sucks, but it can be done after 12:08 < cron2> release" 12:09 < syzzer> +1 12:09 < dazo> Sounds reasonable 12:09 < ordex> yeah using trac sounds meaningful 12:10 < dazo> Would be good to have the patchwork link into the trac tickets, though ... so it's easy to find the related patches 12:10 < ordex> I think if we all agree on that, it could easily become a way to coordinate and oversee the status of the project 12:10 < ordex> we can add a field I guess 12:10 < dazo> ordex++ 12:10 < ordex> or just add the link manually 12:10 < plaisthos> implicit declaration of function 'CRYPTO_memcmp' is invalid in C99 12:10 < plaisthos> ah dman 12:10 < dazo> I don't care how ... just that it is there :-) 12:11 < ordex> yeah 12:11 < plaisthos> and EVP_CIPH_FLAG_AEAD_CIPHER 12:11 < plaisthos> also undefined 12:11 < plaisthos> the latter is worrying 12:11 < cron2> plaisthos playing with WolfSSL again 12:12 < plaisthos> first time actually 12:12 < plaisthos> but it does not compile at the moment ... 12:12 < ordex> I think last time I tested that (?) 12:12 < plaisthos> yeah 12:12 < plaisthos> but the removal of OpenSSL 1.0.1 breaks it 12:12 < ordex> yeah 12:12 < plaisthos> not 12:13 < plaisthos> actually that we assume that AEAD API is always there breaks it 12:13 < ordex> so for 1.3 it seems there is agreement in trying to use trac ? [ redacted ] 12:13 < cron2> ordex: yup. I'll summarize this accordingly. 12:13 < ordex> thanks 12:13 < ordex> 1.4 ! 12:14 < cron2> [ vaction dates ] 12:16 < cron2> so how do we organize "MSI building" (mattock), "reasonable test period", "release" around that? 12:16 < ordex> probably we should target mid august for the release ? 12:17 < cron2> that is a bit short on "get people to test", if we can only have a MSI installer by Aug 5 or so 12:17 < lev__> MSI building is mostly automated, except for signing 12:17 < cron2> lev__: can you generate signed MSIs? Or only mattock? 12:17 < lev__> I can do that for testing purposed (already did for testing my installer fix) 12:18 < lev__> not sure about signing, but if needed I can ask mattock 12:18 < ordex> cron2: but we can still release the beta (or rc1) for mid august and then we let people test ? or that's not what was planned ? 12:18 < cron2> ordex: yeah, beta/rc1, but not "2.5.0 release in mid August" 12:18 < cron2> I thought you wanted the full release then 12:18 < cron2> so, my suggestion would be: 12:18 < dazo> I will also be partially away next week and the following week ... but I will pay attention to e-mails and can step in if there are some urgent things requiring my attention 12:18 < cron2> - we test internally and fix like crazy :-) 12:19 < ordex> :D 12:19 < cron2> - when mattock returns, we release rc1/beta/whateveryoucallit, with signed MSIs 12:19 < cron2> (that would be "August 5") 12:19 < cron2> then we test more and solicit as much feedback as we can 12:19 < cron2> and aim for formal release like "September 10" or so 12:20 < ordex> that sounds like a plan 12:20 < ordex> even though you may not have enough time to chime in ? 12:20 < cron2> I do not want the actual release to happen while I'm not there 12:21 < cron2> but "read bug reports and tell people that it's their own fault", I can do remotely 12:21 < ordex> :D 12:22 < plaisthos> I am on my way to lunch in 5 minutes 12:22 * ordex is typing from the dining table :> 12:23 * cron2 just ate some leftovers from the fridge :) 12:23 < ordex> ok, so can we agree on the schedule proposed by cron2 ? 12:23 < cron2> anyway, plaisthos, syzzer, dazo: any amendments? 12:23 < ordex> dazo: ^ 12:23 < cron2> can we get QA folks to do some creative testing, like "git master client against 2.3 servers, older AS builds, ..."? 12:24 < dazo> No, that's fine ... I would say the code quality of git master is of beta quality ... so I would recommend that we just jump into beta releases 12:24 < cron2> especially "against old AS" would be interesting, as this can be "modified old 2.3" 12:24 < cron2> dazo: so we do "beta1" and then "2.5.0" (unless something serious is found)? 12:24 < dazo> which means we branch of the 2.5 branch and starts the code freeze phase for that branch 12:25 < ordex> sounds good 12:25 < dazo> Yeah, beta1 ... if we see we need to fix anything, then that will be either beta2 or rc1, depending on the issue 12:26 < dazo> or if we go straight from beta2 -> 2.5.0 ... that's also possible ... as long as we are satisfied with the code 12:26 < cron2> do we want a "rc" release? 12:26 < dazo> Not necessarily ... I would say that depends on what the beta cycle reveals 12:26 < plaisthos> I don't want to force syzzer to be the blocker in reviewing the ncp patch 12:27 < cron2> when do we want to branch release/2.5? at "2.5_beta1" or at "rc1"? I hear mixed signals 12:27 < plaisthos> so it would be good if ordex or dazo or lev can help to that 12:27 < plaisthos> anyway off to lunch 12:27 < cron2> yes 12:27 < cron2> enjoy :) 12:27 < plaisthos> (I don't want to put that burden on syzzer I mean) 12:27 < ordex> cron2: I think after we have merged the latest bits on the ml ? i.e. by mid august ? 12:28 * dazo need to run in 5 minutes too 12:28 < ordex> (or earlier if we manage) 12:28 < cron2> ordex: there will always be bits to merge 12:28 < cron2> at some point we'll merge more bits to "master" and "release/2.5" :-) 12:28 < ordex> cron2: once we branch off i expect no new features in release/2.5 for a bit 12:28 < cron2> I think it makes sense to branch release/2.5 the moment we change version.m4 to be "something with a name" 12:28 < cron2> ordex: features are all in. From now on, only bugfixes. 12:29 < ordex> well --ncp-ciphers -> --data-ciphers is not in yet :p 12:29 < ordex> anyway 12:29 < cron2> except for those two, yes :) 12:29 < ordex> how about branching off once these 2 ncp things are in ? 12:29 < cron2> and small featurettes and cleanup, of course 12:30 < ordex> and version.m4 is modified 12:30 < dazo> once we have all features we wants ... we can branch off, I'd say 12:30 < cron2> version.m4 is modified at 2.5_beta1 release, which happens at August 5 12:30 < dazo> "code freeze" to me means "bug fixes only" :) 12:30 < ordex> yeah 12:30 < cron2> yes 12:30 < ordex> let's branch off on aug 5th then 12:30 < dazo> yeah .... Aug 5 is a good time 12:30 < syzzer> I'll try to review the rework NCP patch this afternoon 12:31 < syzzer> should work 12:31 < ordex> syzzer: that'd be nice ! I'll check the patch too 12:31 < cron2> syzzer: thanks 12:31 < ordex> just to offer another half-eye 12:31 < cron2> I have updated the StatusOfOpenVPN25 page with the new timline 12:31 < syzzer> ordex: yes, very welcome. You'll look at the code an a different way. 12:32 < ordex> yeah 12:32 < ordex> ok 12:32 < cron2> ordex will complain about missing whitespace and added blank lines, and totally miss the travis explosions :-) (but that is good, travis can look for itself) 12:32 < ordex> it seems the schedule is settled! 12:32 < syzzer> Nice! 12:33 < ordex> anything else? or can we all jump into lunch ? 12:33 < cron2> nothing on the agenda (except patch review) 12:33 < cron2> and that is being worked on 12:34 < ordex> cool 12:35 < ordex> I will jump out then 12:35 < cron2> enjoy :) 12:35 < cron2> I'll send a summary soon, leaving out the exact vacation dates 12:36 < ordex> thanks a lot 12:37 < dazo> thx! 12:37 < lev__> thanks! -- "If was one thing all people took for granted, was conviction that if you feed honest figures into a computer, honest figures come out. Never doubted it myself till I met a computer with a sense of humor." Robert A. Heinlein, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress Gert Doering - Munich, Germany
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