Hi, Here's the summary of the IRC meeting.
--- COMMUNITY MEETING Place: #openvpn-meeting on irc.freenode.net Date: Thu 4th June 2020 Time: 20:00 CEST (18:00 UTC) Planned meeting topics for this meeting were here: <https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/Topics-2020-06-04> Your local meeting time is easy to check from services such as <http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock> SUMMARY cron2, dazo, mattock, ordex and plaisthos participated in this meeting. --- Noted that mattock had forgot to send out the meeting invite and to create the topic pages. He fixed that at the beginning of this meeting. -- The "not-SSO" patchset is now ready to be merged. Cron2 will do it when he has a bit of time. -- Noted that the IPv6-only patchset should be ready to merge now and it passes t_server tests already. Cron2 shall eyeball it one more time, just in case. Also noted that the planned hacking session between ordex and cron2 worked out great in "I'm in a meeting, you may go away"-sense. -- There is now a TestCoverage wiki page: <https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/TestCoverage> -- The two big things missing from 2.5 now are async client-connect and MSI. Mattock will allocate a full day for MSI next week, as the flow of infrastructure tasks to him shows no sign of stopping. -- Talked about dazo's man-page reformatting patch. Dazo is wondering if splitting the to-be man-page into several .rst files instead of one would make sense. Cron2 will try his luck building a man-page with dazo's new code. -- Talked about HackerOne. Mattock was in a meeting with OSTIF and heard that OpenSSL project has had similar low-quality HackerOne reports mostly about website issues. Nobody in this OpenVPN community meeting would feel sorry if we'd lose our HackerOne project. -- Noted that some community people have complaints about the openvpn.net website. It just so happens that dazo and mattock now do monthly meetings with the corporate website people. So, if anyone has feedback/rants about OpenVPN website(s) just let dazo or mattock know and they'll do their best to make things suck less. -- Full chatlog attached
(21:01:48) cron2: topic fixed! :) (21:02:22) mattock: hello (21:02:24) mattock: thanks! (21:02:38) mattock: who else? (21:02:55) cron2: I'm not here (21:03:29) dazo: I'm here, I hope :-P (21:03:30) mattock: ok good, then it is just me (21:03:32) mattock: :D (21:03:33) mattock: ok (21:03:43) cron2: mass meeting! (21:04:55) mattock: dazo: do you know if plaisthos, lev or ordex might be joining? (21:05:04) dazo: Just sent them a message (21:05:20) cron2: since the topic page is not yet existing, shall we just do the usual round of "working on it! for real!"? :-) (21:06:14) dazo: hehe ... yeah (21:06:33) cron2: but you actually got stuff done, so you can't speak in this round :-)) (21:07:01) dazo: I'm still on the man-page project ... it's ready to get some quick reviews and tests before I send the patches to the ML (21:07:50) mattock: wow, I forgot to add the topic pages (21:07:55) cron2: I saw your ACKs on the "not-SSO" patchset. It's on my plate to be merged, and was planned for "last Sunday/Monday", right after ipv6-only... *that* one turned out to be a bit more stubborn and needed a v5, and then I ran out of time (21:07:59) mattock: I hope I did not forget to send the invites... :P (21:08:04) cron2: I think I should be able to do this tomorro (21:08:18) dazo: I've been through lots of the openvpn.8.rst file ... and there is some duplicated info, and some things which could use some cleanups ... I'm pondering on splitting the file into multiple file which is put together as a single man page ... to make it easier to see which section to put options into (21:08:20) cron2: mattock: well, maybe you didn't send them on purpose? :) (21:08:27) mattock: could be :) (21:08:45) mattock: well, I've been bogged down - my infrastructure-related workload increased, not reduced this week (21:09:06) mattock: I'll send the invites out now for the upcoming meetings (21:10:52) mattock: sent (21:11:02) mattock: creating topic lists while you discuss other stuff (21:11:05) mattock: :) (21:11:44) dazo: some encouragements to have people look at the openvpn.8.rst file and and come with suggestions for improvements would be great (21:13:00) plaisthos: not really here ... (21:14:57) cron2: but anyway, on the positive side, the ipv6-only patchset has been reviewed and reworked last week, and is now "ready for merge". I intend to review and review each patch again (to be sure that no rebase/rework accidents happened), but that should be easy. Passed the t_server test already :-) (21:15:52) cron2: on the "testing coverage", I've started a bit on https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/TestCoverage but this needs way more input (and possibly even a different format)... (21:15:54) vpnHelper: Title: TestCoverage – OpenVPN Community (at community.openvpn.net) (21:16:01) dazo: nice ... so ... the asymmetric compression and MSI are the hot potatoes now? (21:16:13) cron2: async cc shouldn't really be hard (21:16:25) cron2: uh (21:16:33) cron2: asymmetric compression shouldn't be hard (21:16:49) cron2: the big open thing is "MSI" and "async client-connect", which is close enough to "asymm comp" that I mistyped (21:17:16) dazo: oh, there's async client-connect as well (21:17:28) ***ordex is here ! (21:17:32) dazo: \o/ (21:17:34) mattock: hi ordex! (21:17:37) ordex: hi (21:17:39) cron2: hi ordex (21:17:43) plaisthos: I am more afk than here (21:17:46) ordex: hi² (21:18:38) mattock: I will allocate one full day for MSI next week, so that I know if more time is needed (21:19:29) mattock: the flood of other works has not clear end in sight (21:20:18) cron2: sounds like a workable plan. (Just as a note: arranging a timeslot with ordex to focus on "now we do *this*" turned out to be a very good idea - I could push away all other stuff with "I have a meeting now, leave me alone" and we got stuff done) (21:20:43) ordex: yap yap (21:21:06) mattock: \o/ (21:21:32) cron2: I do not have much else to say, and I'm way too tired for meaningful patchwork review (21:21:38) ordex: it turned out to be longer than the 2 hours we had planned, but it was good anyway (21:21:51) cron2: yes (21:22:26) dazo: cron2: whenever you get a chance to test the dev/man-reformatting branch on the host you do your 'make distcheck' steps would be valuable (21:23:22) cron2: uh... I think I totally forgot to do "make distcheck" on the last few 2.4 releases... :-) (21:23:40) dazo: how did you produce the tarballs? just 'make dist'? (21:23:54) cron2: "tag, push --all --tags, hey mattock, stuff is done!" (21:24:14) dazo: hmmmmm .... how did mattock generate the tarballs? ;-) (21:24:19) cron2: all "building of things that are then signed and put somewhere" happens on mattocks side :-) (21:24:35) cron2: I assume with "make dist(check)" :) (21:24:40) mattock: yes (21:24:45) dazo: When I did the releases, I did the 'make distcheck' step and gave mattock the tarball (21:25:03) cron2: *that* ended up in having multiple tarballs with conflicting signatures, so I don't :) (21:25:22) dazo: ahh right (21:25:37) mattock: yep (21:25:46) dazo: anyhow, the change I've done is to generate man page and the html file from the .rst file during 'make dist(check)' (21:25:50) mattock: it was easier to just add that part to my release script (21:25:57) cron2: but I *should* do the distcheck, to be sure we haven't overlooked any new files that should be bundled (21:26:02) ***cron2 makes mental note (21:27:05) dazo: But that generation is only happening *if* the python-docutils is available .... If that is missing, 'make clean' will _not_ remove those generated files ... but not sure how it behaves directly from a git tree without those files generated ... (21:27:21) cron2: I need to test that, right (21:28:32) cron2: now if I knew how "python-docutils" translates to gentoo ebuilds or freebsd pkgs (21:28:56) cron2: dev-python/docutils (21:28:57) cron2: that was easy (21:29:06) dazo: yeah, that sounds right (21:29:10) cron2: py37-docutils (21:29:16) cron2: also not hard (21:29:49) dazo: yay! (21:31:24) cron2: plaisthos: in case you're looking at your keyboard :-) - do you have time next week to debug auth-token related funnies? (21:31:32) cron2: and come up with patches :-) (21:32:11) cron2: (explicit-exit-notify breaks auth-token clients today, and my colleagues managed to produce other breakage as well, which smells similar "the client stops updating the token it sends to the server") (21:32:20) plaisthos: not yet, sorry (21:32:28) cron2: "have time next week" (21:32:33) cron2: not "had time last week" :) (21:40:44) mattock: good question :) (21:44:14) mattock: plaisthos ran away? (21:44:28) mattock: I have a topic (21:44:32) cron2: seems like it, and everyone else fell asleep :) (21:44:40) mattock: I was in a meeting with OSTIF.org and discussed hackerone (21:44:50) mattock: there was an openssl developer there as well (21:45:19) mattock: the openssl project's experience with hackerone was pretty much the same as ours (21:45:19) cron2: and...? (21:45:22) cron2: ah (21:45:31) mattock: =lots of website reports, nothing really worthwhile (21:47:29) mattock: I suppose nobody would be sorry if we stopped receiving HackerOne reports, should it go away? (21:47:58) cron2: I would totally miss the reports about your website being totally insecure! (21:48:24) cron2: (but I can have wiscii or ecrist rant in #openvpn-devel for a bit on how horrible the corp site is and that it's totally neglecting the community side of things) (21:49:00) mattock: btw. that gives rise to another topic (21:49:16) mattock: dazo and are in a monthly meeting with the corp website people (21:49:19) mattock: now (21:49:23) mattock: tomorrow is the next one (21:49:46) mattock: so, if there is any ranting it can be directed to dazo or me, and we will relay the rants to corp website people (21:49:56) mattock: those responsible of doing design etc. (21:50:07) mattock: page layouts, content, etc. (21:51:28) cron2: it's all totally horrible. I think. All modern websites are horrible. (21:51:36) dazo: hehehe (21:52:09) cron2: but on a similar tangent - does one of you want to answer these "Orca Security" people? (21:52:21) dazo: Yeah, we're tracking this (21:52:26) cron2: I find it totally interesting that your AWS instances have a bug in their *WIFI* driver. (21:52:37) cron2: never knew AWS was secretly using wifi! (21:52:41) dazo: hehehe (21:52:41) mattock: well, they probably bundle a linux kernel which happens to have the module (21:52:45) mattock: :) (21:53:09) dazo: but there are some kernel flaws which can be abused if the driver is loaded, regardless if the hardware is present or not (21:53:15) cron2: it looks like it, yes - "look, you are using 4.something, which is KNOWN to have 145 security issues, so we just list them all!" (21:53:17) dazo: so we need to double check this (21:53:44) cron2: why would the driver be loaded...? (21:53:48) dazo: but the magnitude of checking all the variants of AS servers is hilarious .... it's the same base image (21:53:59) dazo: could be autoloaded for some reason (21:54:27) plaisthos: that report mention something like "when receiving a station frame" or something (21:54:47) dazo: heh ... well, then it is not really applicable (21:58:30) mattock: I heard that one time Google dumped a total of 2000 such (potential) security vulnerability reports to the Linux kernel project (21:58:48) mattock: "please fix, some of these may be valid, we found them with our new fuzzer" (21:58:52) cron2: ouch (21:58:52) mattock: or something along those lines (21:59:19) dazo: I don't think they'll do that again :-P (21:59:44) mattock: I hope they'd actually review them themselves and provide patches (21:59:48) mattock: in the future (21:59:57) mattock: anyhow, 1 minute left (22:00:04) mattock: are we done? (22:00:21) cron2: I was done for the day before we started *yawn* :-) (22:00:38) mattock: sounds like "yes" (22:00:44) dazo: yeah, sounds good :) (22:00:47) mattock: I have the summary ready so let's call it a day (22:00:55) mattock: good night guys! (22:00:57) cron2: *wave* good night :) (22:00:58) ordex: thanks!
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