
On Mon, Apr 1, 2019 at 7:22 AM Christopher Schenk <
csch...@mail.uni-paderborn.de> wrote:

> ---
>  src/openvpn/tun.c | 58 ++++++++++++-----------------------------------
>  1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)

@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ do_set_mtu_service(const struct tuntap *tt, const short
> family, const int mtu)
>         ack_message_t ack;
>         struct gc_arena gc = gc_new();
>         HANDLE pipe = tt->options.msg_channel;
> -
> +       char *family_name = (family == AF_INET6) ? "IPv6" : "IPv4";

This should be preferably declared as const char *family_name. Also see my
response to commit 2

Some general remarks follow:

Now we have 4 commits, two for the initial netsh implementation,
one replacing that by SetIpInterfaceEntry() and a fixup. We don't want to
keep all that irrelevant history, so these have to be squashed into one
(or two if you wish to separate the interactive service part).
And edit the final commit message header and description to reflect the
version. Squashing all into one commit may be easier and that's fine in
this case.

We also prefer to have patches signed off. Adding -s to "git commit" or
doing "git commit -s --amend" will take care of that.

Finally, I'm not sure whether we still require patch authors to follow the
code formatting style or we automatically run uncrustify during merge.
Even if its not mandatory, its a good practice to follow the style in the
rest of
the code to the extent possible: for example, we use 4 spaces for indent
(not 8), no tabs anywhere etc. You can run
"uncrustify -c dev-tools/uncrustify.conf" on tun.c, interactive.c
and openvpn_msg.h to get most of that rectified. Note that uncrustify may
edit unrelated parts of the code -- if it does, do not include
such changes in the patch.


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