
On 31/10/2018 23:07, Steffan Karger wrote:
> As reported by tincantech on the openvpn-devel IRC channel, a tls-crypt-v2
> client could be caused to trigger an assert in tls_crypt_wrap() because the
> client key might not be correctly initialized after a reconnect attempt.
> This was caused by code that was written before the connection-block
> tls-auth/tls-crypt logic was integrated (57d6f103), rebased on that change,
> but not sufficiently changed to be compatible with the new logic.
> This commit fixes that bug.
> Note that I also moved the violating hunk of code to the same function
> where the tls-auth and tls-crypt (v1) keys are initialized. Once moved
> there, it is immediately clear that v2 didn't follow the same (new) logic.
> Signed-off-by: Steffan Karger <steffan.kar...@fox-it.com>

Yeah, it probably was a "conflict" that went unnoticed.

We now need to rely on the data stored in the Connection Entry (ce
member of the options structure) as the tls-crypt* logic is "per
connection block" and not global anymore.

I performed some basic testing and all seems good.
Thanks for fixing this!

Acked-by: Antonio Quartulli <anto...@openvpn.net>

Antonio Quartulli

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