
> > > Is there a chance the ARM64 changes (NDIS 6.30+build+installer) will
> > > make it in? (Are we trying to get the MSI changes in for this
> > > release?)
> Didn't have time to look at the MSI stuff yet, and haven't heard from
> Most likely this release will be "get things out with compromises" - that
> have one attestation signed driver for Win10+Server 2016 and one driver
> "Win7 + 8 + 8.1", and two .exe installers.  Win10 is still waiting for
bugfixed +
> signed tap drivers for the fix in commit 7d6a1335bfe7a...
> Then, focus on make nicer installers - .msi for the tap driver, .msi for
> openvpn proper, return to *one* driver that has proper signatures for
> everything.

I am working on MSI installers full time - TAP driver first, OpenVPN comes
next. The proposed timeline suits me fine: get things out using NSIS
installer now, switch to MSI packages when the dust settles.

I am doing extensive MSI package testing myself and still haven't sorted out
all corner cases. Therefore, I am not confident enough to push it to the
public yet.

Although, I am very anxious to see if you can reach the one-driver-fits-all

Following Jon's rationale behind NDIS 6.30, I believe we will end up with
Windows 7/8/8.1 and Windows 10 versions of TAP driver. If this really
happens, I think it should be OK with MSI: we pack all flavours of TAP
driver in a single MSI file and author their components to install
conditionally based on Windows version.

TAP driver development was dormant for so long. Now everybody wants to do
something to it. :)

Best regards,

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