
On Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 3:04 AM, Samuli Seppänen <sam...@openvpn.net> wrote:
> Feature-ACK, but I have not tested this yet. I think we should increment
> version to 9.22.2 (a.k.a. 9,22,2,601) though. The current release is 9.22.1.

Treating this like any other patch, I think version bump should not be
a part of it, but done only at the point of release as usual. So let's keep
the purpose here to just change how version is displayed.

But I did change the date by mistake (left behind from testing) -- will send
a v2 which keeps the version number and date as is (and update the PR as

That said, when a signed test version is made, please bump the version
and date for testing that it does get recognized as the latest by Windows.
I could not properly test that due to lack of signature


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