Be more explicit that --auth-gen-token is to be considered a workaround
for authentication scripts/plug-ins not supporting --auth-token.

Also be more explicit that invalidated --auth-token values will result
in the client disconnecting.

Signed-off-by: David Sommerseth <>
 doc/openvpn.8 | 32 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/openvpn.8 b/doc/openvpn.8
index 4114f408..b6de2c9c 100644
--- a/doc/openvpn.8
+++ b/doc/openvpn.8
@@ -3671,10 +3671,25 @@ argument defines how long the generated token is valid. 
 lifetime is defined in seconds.  If lifetime is not set
 or it is set to 0, the token will never expire.
-This feature is useful for environments which is configured
-to use One Time Passwords (OTP) as part of the user/password
-authentications and that authentication mechanism does not
-implement any auth\-token support.
+.B \-\-auth\-gen\-token
+feature is to be considered a workaround for authentication
+scripts or plug\-ins not providing proper
+.B auth\-token
+support.  The
+.B auth\-token
+feature is most commonly needed when deploying two factor
+authentications, such as One Time Password (OTP) based
+authentication.  Proper authentication scripts/plug\-ins should
+implement support for generating, sending and verifying
+.B auth\-token
+values sent to successfully authenticated clients, and particularly
+when OTP authentication is required.
+See also
+.B \-\-auth\-token
+for more details.
 .B \-\-opt\-verify
@@ -5291,6 +5306,15 @@ OPENVPN_PLUGIN_CLIENT_CONNECT_V2 calls.  This option 
 a possibility to replace the clients password with an authentication
 token during the lifetime of the OpenVPN client.
+Clients which has received an
+.B auth\-token
+will be using this value as the password on each renegotiation and
+reconnection to the server until it stops running.  If the server
+has invalidated the
+.B auth\-token
+since the last authentication, the client will be disconnected.
 Whenever the connection is renegotiated and the
 .B \-\-auth\-user\-pass\-verify
 script or

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