
On 07-05-17 11:39, Magnus Kroken wrote:
> Non-crypto geek here, comments inline.
> On 05.05.2017 22:30, Steffan Karger wrote:
>> +control channel messages.  A typical initial negotiation is about 10 packets
>> +in each direction.  Assuming both initial negotation and renogatiations are
>> +at most 2^16 (65536) packets, and (re)negotiations happen each minute for
>> +each user (24/7)
> Does 10 and 65536 represent the same actual thing here, where 10 is a 
> practical real-world estimate, and 65536 is an extremely conservative 
> estimate?


> Or does it mean that each user will cause a total of 65536
> (re)negotiation packets in his lifetime? I think using a conservative 
> estimate is a good idea, but the large difference is somewhat confusing 
> (and I'm not entirely sure I get the correct meaning myself).

Good point, I'll try to make this more clear.

Maybe useful as background information:  I am really trying to keep this
section short, because I fear otherwise people will just "TL;DR" and
skip it.  But that does result in a high information density.

>> this limits the tls\-crypt key lifetime to 8171 year divided
> 8171 years (just a typo I suppose, but it's significant to the meaning 
> of the sentence).

Ah, yes.  This is a Dutch-English mixup - the Dutch (mostly) don't use
plural for more-then-one years.  Will fix too.


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