mbedTLS 2 has a new feature that allows rejection of certificates if the 
key size is too small or the signing hash is weak.

The feature is controlled via struct mbedtls_x509_crt_profile.

For example, you could specify that certificates must be at least 2048 
bits and use a SHA-2 signing alg.

Wondering if we should enable this via an option, or tie it into the 
existing tls-version-min.

The granular approach would be to have specific options for each limit, 
such as ssl-min-key-size, ssl-require-sha2

The bundled approach would be to take an existing option such as 
tls-version-min and add additional constraints onto it.  For example, if 
tls-version-min is 1.2 or higher, then also require minimum key size to 
be 2048 and certificate signing hash to be SHA-2.


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