On Thu, Dec 8, 2016 at 4:15 PM, David Sommerseth <openvpn@sf.lists.
topphemmelig.net> wrote:
> This is fairly inline with the initial agreement from the 2014 Munich
> hackathon [3] and the summarized CodeStyle wiki page [4].
> This proposal allows for the "open bracing" question, which allows
> '} else {' and '} else if () {'.
> So now the bike shed debate opens up ... Is this something we can get
> consensus around?
> And a few examples of reformatted files:
> tun.c: <https://paste.fedoraproject.org/501999/81229253/>
> ssl.c: <https://paste.fedoraproject.org/502010/22971814/>
Looks excellent.
Yes, responding to the call for bikeshedding , some questions/comments:
Reformatted tun.c has at least two instances of char* xxx, we want char
*xxx, right? So why not add some sp_xxx_ptr_star options.
Less of a concern at least for me is function_name (...) and
function_name(...) both appears to be allowed. Just because we can do it,
why not add some sp_func_xxxx_paren options to normalize those..
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