
On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 11:52:17AM +0200, Adriaan de Jong wrote:
> This patch allows inlining of the --auth-user-pass directive, so it is now
> possible to do

Streams have somewhat crossed here, and I'm not sure if this patch 
is conflict-free with commit

commit 6e9373c84639382c16d9eb8f1f78f60079bb89df
Author: Michal Ludvig <mlud...@logix.net.nz>
List-Post: openvpn-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Date:   Sun Oct 11 10:44:20 2015 +0200

    Support for username-only auth file.

"it *should*", but at least one change is causing a conflict:

> --- a/src/openvpn/misc.c
> +++ b/src/openvpn/misc.c
> @@ -1003,7 +1003,7 @@ get_user_pass_cr (struct user_pass *up,
>    if (!up->defined)
>      {
> -      const bool from_stdin = (!auth_file || !strcmp (auth_file, "stdin"));
> +      const bool from_stdin = (!auth_file || streq (auth_file, "stdin"));
>       msg (M_WARN, "Note: previous '%s' credentials failed", prefix);

This one does no longer apply, as this line is no longer there - OTOH,
it's basically just cleanup and no functional change, so the hunk could
be left off.

Since you've reviewed this already - could you give it a quick check 
whether it still does the right thing with the misc.c hunk left off?
"I think it does", but would welcome a second opinion.

(No need to re-send the patch, I can just take out this part)


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