On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 7:01 AM, Samuli Seppänen <sam...@openvpn.net> wrote:

> > On Tuesday 20 October 2015 10:15:22 Samuli Seppänen wrote:
> >>>> Are you saying that the interactive service also doubles as a Windows
> >>>> system service? If so, can it be  configured to autostart selected
> >>>> openvpn connections on boot and restart them if they crash/stop?
> >>>
> >>> No, and I do not think that the service should take care of that.
> That's
> >>> rather things that can be handled by the GUI.
> >>
> >> What about persistent connections, especially on Windows servers?
> >
> > The interactive service patch doesn't remove the currently available
> service.
> > So, you still can fire up any connections the way it was before. I
> personally
> > do not care about the original service though, it may very well be that
> it
> > lacks decent functionality.
> The original openvpnserv.exe is truly crappy. It will not quit if all
> connections have died. It will not restart a connection should it crash.
> A single non-functional OpenVPN connection prevents it from launching
> the others (afaik). It will not work on Windows 10 in any reasonable
> fashion and works badly on anything post-Windows 7. It also does not
> handle resuming from suspend/hibernate properly.
> My NSSM-based replacement thingie aims to address all these
> shortcomings. I believe the interactive service and NSSM are complementary.

I totally agree. Both are necessary.

The interactive service (based on a quick scan through the code) looks to
be very useful on a desktop with a single user, allowing the GUI and openvpn
to run with user privileges. I hope the "windows team" would soon start
working on making the GUI to work with this new service :)

But a sever admin would not want it in the system as it can allow any user
with some VPN server account to change the routes etc using the
service..(please correct me if I'm mistaken).

That means for "non-interactive" servers and non-desktop clients, one would
still need an improved version of the old service or  NSSM.


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