Signed-off-by: Gert Doering <>
 src/openvpn/route.c | 147 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 135 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/openvpn/route.c b/src/openvpn/route.c
index fd8209d..cca5cfe 100644
--- a/src/openvpn/route.c
+++ b/src/openvpn/route.c
@@ -45,6 +45,10 @@

 #include "memdbg.h"

+#if defined(TARGET_LINUX) || defined(TARGET_ANDROID)
+#include <linux/rtnetlink.h>           /* RTM_GETROUTE etc. */
 #ifdef WIN32
 #define METRIC_NOT_USED ((DWORD)-1)
@@ -1115,10 +1119,9 @@ print_default_gateway(const int msglevel,
       struct buffer out = alloc_buf_gc (256, &gc);
       buf_printf (&out, "ROUTE6_GATEWAY");
+      buf_printf (&out, " %s", print_in6_addr (rgi6->gateway.addr_ipv6, 0, 
       if (rgi6->flags & RGI_ON_LINK)
        buf_printf (&out, " ON_LINK");
-      else
-       buf_printf (&out, " %s", print_in6_addr (rgi6->gateway.addr_ipv6, 0, 
       if (rgi6->flags & RGI_NETMASK_DEFINED)
        buf_printf (&out, "/%d", rgi6->gateway.netbits_ipv6);
 #ifdef WIN32
@@ -2659,22 +2662,142 @@ get_default_gateway (struct route_gateway_info *rgi)
   gc_free (&gc);

-/* IPv6 implementation using netlink (TBD)
+/* IPv6 implementation using netlink
+ *
+ * netlink(3), netlink(7), rtnetlink(7)
+ *
+struct rtreq {
+       struct nlmsghdr nh;
+       struct rtmsg rtm;
+       char attrbuf[512];
 get_default_gateway_ipv6(struct route_ipv6_gateway_info *rgi6,
                         struct in6_addr *dest)
-    msg(D_ROUTE, "no support for get_default_gateway_ipv6() on this system 
(Linux and Android)");
+    int nls = -1;
+    struct rtreq rtreq;
+    struct rtattr *rta;
+    char rtbuf[2000];
+    ssize_t ssize;
-    struct in6_addr g = IN6ADDR_LOOPBACK_INIT;
-               RGI_NETMASK_DEFINED;
-    rgi6->gateway.addr_ipv6 = g;
-    rgi6->gateway.netbits_ipv6 = 64;
-    memcpy( rgi6->hwaddr, "\1\2\3\4\5\6", 6 );
-    strcpy( rgi6->iface, "eth1" );
+    nls = socket( PF_NETLINK, SOCK_RAW, NETLINK_ROUTE );
+    if ( nls < 0 )
+       { msg(M_WARN|M_ERRNO, "GDG6: socket() failed" ); goto done; }
+    /* bind() is not needed, no unsolicited msgs coming in */
+    /* this will give us the best match only, not a full dump */
+    CLEAR(rtreq);
+    rtreq.nh.nlmsg_type = RTM_GETROUTE;
+    rtreq.nh.nlmsg_flags = NLM_F_REQUEST;                      /* XXX */
+    rtreq.rtm.rtm_family = AF_INET6;
+    rtreq.rtm.rtm_src_len = 0;
+    rtreq.rtm.rtm_dst_len = 128;                               /* exact dst */
+    rtreq.rtm.rtm_table = RT_TABLE_MAIN;
+    rtreq.rtm.rtm_protocol = RTPROT_UNSPEC;
+    rtreq.nh.nlmsg_len = NLMSG_SPACE(sizeof(rtreq.rtm));
+    /* set RTA_DST for target IPv6 address we want */
+    rta = (struct rtattr *)(((char *) &rtreq)+NLMSG_ALIGN(rtreq.nh.nlmsg_len));
+    rta->rta_type = RTA_DST;
+    rta->rta_len = RTA_LENGTH(16);
+    rtreq.nh.nlmsg_len = NLMSG_ALIGN(rtreq.nh.nlmsg_len) +
+                                             RTA_LENGTH(16);
+    if ( dest == NULL )                        /* ::, unspecified */
+       memset( RTA_DATA(rta), 0, 16 ); /* :: = all-zero */
+    else
+       memcpy( RTA_DATA(rta), (void *)dest, 16 );
+    /* send and receive reply */
+    if ( send( nls, &rtreq, rtreq.nh.nlmsg_len, 0 ) < 0 )
+       { msg(M_WARN|M_ERRNO, "GDG6: send() failed" ); goto done; }
+    ssize = recv(nls, rtbuf, sizeof(rtbuf), MSG_TRUNC);
+    if (ssize < 0)
+       { msg(M_WARN|M_ERRNO, "GDG6: recv() failed" ); goto done; }
+    if (ssize > sizeof(rtbuf))
+    {
+       msg(M_WARN, "get_default_gateway_ipv6: returned message too big for 
buffer (%d>%d)", (int)ssize, (int)sizeof(rtbuf) );
+       goto done;
+    }
+    struct nlmsghdr *nh;
+    for (nh = (struct nlmsghdr *)rtbuf;
+         NLMSG_OK(nh, ssize);
+         nh = NLMSG_NEXT(nh, ssize))
+    {
+       struct rtmsg *rtm;
+       int attrlen;
+       if (nh->nlmsg_type == NLMSG_DONE) { break; }
+       if (nh->nlmsg_type == NLMSG_ERROR) {
+           struct nlmsgerr *ne = (struct nlmsgerr *)NLMSG_DATA(nh);
+           msg(M_WARN, "GDG6: NLSMG_ERROR: error %d\n", ne->error);
+           break;
+       }
+       if (nh->nlmsg_type != RTM_NEWROUTE) {
+           /* shouldn't happen */
+           msg(M_WARN, "GDG6: unexpected msg_type %d", nh->nlmsg_type );
+           continue;
+       }
+       rtm = (struct rtmsg *)NLMSG_DATA(nh);
+       attrlen = RTM_PAYLOAD(nh);
+       /* we're only looking for routes in the main table, as "we have
+        * no IPv6" will lead to a lookup result in "Local" (::/0 reject)
+        */
+       if (rtm->rtm_family != AF_INET6 ||
+           rtm->rtm_table != RT_TABLE_MAIN)
+               { continue; }           /* we're not interested */
+       for (rta = RTM_RTA(rtm);
+            RTA_OK(rta, attrlen);
+            rta = RTA_NEXT(rta, attrlen))
+       {
+           if (rta->rta_type == RTA_GATEWAY) {
+               if ( RTA_PAYLOAD(rta) != sizeof(struct in6_addr) )
+                       { msg(M_WARN, "GDG6: RTA_GW size mismatch"); continue; }
+               rgi6->gateway.addr_ipv6 = *(struct in6_addr*) RTA_DATA(rta);
+               rgi6->flags |= RGI_ADDR_DEFINED;
+           }
+           else if (rta->rta_type == RTA_OIF) {
+               char ifname[IF_NAMESIZE+1];
+               int oif;
+               if ( RTA_PAYLOAD(rta) != sizeof(oif) )
+                       { msg(M_WARN, "GDG6: oif size mismatch"); continue; }
+               memcpy(&oif, RTA_DATA(rta), sizeof(oif));
+               if_indextoname(oif,ifname);
+               strncpy( rgi6->iface, ifname, sizeof(rgi6->iface)-1 );
+               rgi6->flags |= RGI_IFACE_DEFINED;
+           }
+       }
+    }
+    /* if we have an interface but no gateway, the destination is on-link */
+    if ( ( rgi6->flags & (RGI_IFACE_DEFINED|RGI_ADDR_DEFINED) ) ==
+              RGI_IFACE_DEFINED )
+    {
+       rgi6->flags |= (RGI_ADDR_DEFINED | RGI_ON_LINK);
+       rgi6->gateway.addr_ipv6 = *dest;
+    }
+  done:
+    if (nls >= 0)
+       close (nls);

 #elif defined(TARGET_DARWIN) || defined(TARGET_SOLARIS) || \

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