Am 19.09.13 12:47, schrieb
> From: Joachim Schipper <>
> OpenSSL's tls_ctx_load_cert_file() had a parameter in which a copy of the
> context's certificate chain was stored on return, used by
> tls_ctx_use_external_private_key() only and free()d immediately thereafter.
> PolarSSL also supported this output parameter, but returned a pointer to the
> context's certificate chain (rather than to a copy of the certificate, as
> OpenSSL does) - which meant that we would have to #ifdef the free().
> PolarSSL cannot make a copy of a certificate chain, and OpenSSL cannot store a
> pointer to (instead of a copy of) the cert.
> So remove the output parameter from tls_ctx_load_cert_file() and incorporate
> the needed functionality directly into tls_ctx_use_external_private_key()
> (which is straightforward for both OpenSSL and PolarSSL, as long as you don't
> try to support both at once.)
ACK. This "only" refactoring.


Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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