Hi Heiko,

Some thoughts on this - by all means let me know your opinion though!
1) Makes sense - and that's what I'm doing currently, querying for proxy 
information (in Windows, including PAC files as well).
2) Unfortunately it's in Visual Basic - only because that takes care of all the 
GUI / Windows crud, so it makes that part pretty transparent. As for features, 
some thoughts ...
- automatic proxy detection (and applying that information)
- NTLM login to proxy server (using login information)
- automatic reconnect (when network connections change), or no reconnect if on 
the same subnet as the server
- recurring ping ... to provide RTT information (plot and histogram)
- traffic plots (UL / DL traffic) ... and traffic indicators in the System Tray 
(state and traffic would be nice)

Just a few ideas ... :-).


... Russell

On Wed, 02/29/2012 12:57 PM, Heiko Hund <heiko.h...@sophos.com> wrote:
> Russell
> On Wednesday 29 February 2012 17:26:46 Russell Morris wrote:
> > 1) I know that someone (Heiko?) was looking at auto-proxy a while back. Is
> > this now working? Is there a way to test it (if it's now working), to see
> > what it determines for a proxy?
> During discussion of the Windows --auto-proxy patches at FOSDEM we've decided 
> that the auto-proxy detection shouldn't take place within openvpn as it is 
> very platform specific and there's no apparent need to do it there. We 
> removed 
> the --auto-proxy option from openvpn all together, it wasn't working much 
> anyway and was only supporting Windows. In a future alpha/beta 2.3 release a 
> GUI will be packaged that reacts to openvpn querying for proxy info via 
> management interface. Currently I can't offer much to test, though. Sorry.
> > 2) I have a Windows GUI of my own (and I don't mean this as a "competition"
> > to the default OpenVPN GUI, not at all!!!). It's just tweaked for my
> > personal situation, on and off LAN and wireless, proxy, no proxy, etc. It
> > uses the management interface completely. In any case, it has some features
> > that I like, more than anything wondering if there are thoughts of extending
> > the current GUI to include items like this (as I'd rather use the official
> > GUI, I'm no SW expert - not even close). In any case, I have attached a few
> > pictures, in case someone has any ideas about new features for the official
> > GUI.
> Could you elaborate on the features you want to see included, please. 
> Obviously you have some nice charts in your GUI. What language did you code 
> this in? I suppose it's not C with plain WIN32 API?
> Regards
> Heiko
> --
> Heiko Hund | Software Engineer | Phone +49-721-25516-237 | Fax -200
> Astaro a Sophos Company | Amalienbadstr. 41 Bau 52 | 76227 Karlsruhe | Germany
> Commercial Register: Mannheim HRA 702710 | Headquarter Location: Karlsruhe
> Represented by the General Partner Astaro Verwaltungs GmbH
> Amalienbadstraße 41 Bau 52 | 76227 Karlsruhe | Germany 
> Commercial Register: Mannheim HRB 708248 | Executive Board: Gert Hansen,
> Markus Hennig, Jan Hichert, Günter Junk, Dr. Frank Nellissen

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