> Hello,
> A repository is available[1], stripped down with only tap sources.
> To build use you need ddk available:
>> configure
>> build
Checked out the sources using "Git Bash", then ran the commands from a
(non-admin) Visual Studio 2008 command prompt. Got these errors:


The OS is Windows server 2008r2. Any ideas? I noticed there was some
ActiveX stuff in the scripts... could this be related to security settings?

> It builds winxp 32bit and win7 64bit I hope this is what the current
> installer is doing,
> as building the tap is kept secret.
Actually, the TAP-driver is built using the Python build scripts in the
"win" subdirectory. Those scripts build both 32-bit and 64-bit drivers.

> In the open source package we will provide vanilla devcon and not the modified
> tapinstaller which we do not have the sources of. I it is so important
> to hack computer
> and bypass Windows confirmation dialog.
The Python-based buildsystem also builds tapinstall.exe/devcon.exe. It
looks for the sources from ../tapinstall by default (see "grep T1SRC
win/*"). The sources are standard devcon sources; the resulting binary
is simply renamed to "tapinstall.exe".

Samuli Seppänen
Community Manager
OpenVPN Technologies, Inc

irc freenode net: mattock

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