D'ar lun 08 a viz Eost 2011 e 10 eur 10, « Samuli Seppänen » he deus skrivet :
> > Looking to install-win32/makeopenvpn, it run autotools and configure,
> > this may need some tweak :
> >
> > *inux)
> > + export WINDRES=i586-mingw32msvc-windres

I've updated my branch with a fix for that

> > Is there a windres equivalent for msvc ?
> There certainly a way to do the same thing using msvc or Python code
> that runs after the build. Does windres simply convert the resource file
> to another format?

Yes and check the format :

$ file openvpn-res.o 
openvpn-res.o: ACB archive data

> Or does it also embed it to the executable?

It need to be embed in the executable yes, as a classic object.

> Looks to
> me as if embedding/linking is triggered by the new linker flags
> (openvpn_LDADD), but then again my automake-fu is _very_ limited.

It does. If you add openvpn-res.rc to openvpn_SOURCES it will never be
build as not a classic extension. So it's define as a link dependencies,
and manual conversion is precise. I didn't find a way to use only
automake syntax to build rc file using windres.

Also, the openvpn-res.rc is shared between openvpn.exe and openvpnserv.exe,
they may need to be duplicated, I need some advise from the project
about this.

On Lady Voodoo

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