These patches goes on-top of the previous --tmp-dir patch [1].

In summary, these patches implement the consensus of the following

* Remove compile time configuration option for default temp dir.
In non-Windows environments it is most likely that /tmp will exist
anyway.  For Windows environments it is now using %SystemRoot%\Temp
as the last fallback possibility.  If this fails, it is most likely that
there are more sever issues which is not related to OpenVPN at all.

* Check for $TMPDIR
In non-Windows environments, the $TMPDIR directory may be used to
set a specific temporary directory path.  If this is not found,
/tmp will be used as the default.  Nothing has changed in this
regard for Windows environments, where %TEMP% and %TMP% are checked
before the fallback.

Kind regards,

David Sommerseth

[1] <>

David Sommerseth (2):
  Make use of $TMPDIR on non-Windows
  Use %SystemRoot% instead of hard-coded C:\WINDOWS for temp directory
    path    |   11 -----------
 options.c       |    7 +++++--
 win/ |    3 ---
 win32.c         |   36 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 4 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)


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