Hi, Here's the summary of the previous community meeting.
--- COMMUNITY MEETING Place: #openvpn-devel on irc.freenode.net List-Post: openvpn-devel@lists.sourceforge.net Date: Thursday, 8th Jul 2010 Time: 18:00 UTC Planned meeting topics for this meeting were on this page: <https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/Topics-2010-07-08> Next meeting next week, same place, same time. Your local meeting time is easy to check from services such as <http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock> or with $ date -u SUMMARY Discussed the "auto-proxy on *NIX" feature request from Jason Haar. Agreed that this feature would make sense. Decided to create a new feature request, which is now here: <https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/ticket/18> This ticket contains all the essential details. -- Discussed the "Build failure on OpenBSD 4.7" issue: <https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/ticket/17> A patch that fixes this issue has been written, tested and sent to -devel mailinglist. -- Discussed problems with SVN <-> Git interaction. Our original plan was to use SVN for the beta2.2 branch. Due to the issues that were encountered it was decided to move completely to Git - with James' blessing. For more information take a look at the full chatlog and this email thread: <http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.network.openvpn.devel/3806> -- Samuli gave a status update on our build server: no progress last week due to forums server work. However, buildbot should still be in pretty good shape by end of this month as planned earlier. -- Discussed the "Broken topology subnet on OpenBSD" issue discussed on #openvpn-devel. Agreed that more research is needed to verify that this issue is really a bug. For detailed symptoms see full chatlog. --- Full chatlog as an attachment -- Samuli Seppänen Community Manager OpenVPN Technologies, Inc irc freenode net: mattock
(21:08:22) mattock: how about this: Suggestion from Jason Haar: under Unix, the "http_proxy" environment variable is typically used to refer to the URL (eg http://proxy.server:portnum/) of the appropriate proxy server. Currently openvpn's "auto-proxy" only supports Windows - surely it wouldn't take >20 lines of code to check that env var for Unix systems? I know it's not a thorough solution - but there isn't one for Unix systems - that's as good as it gets... (21:08:34) ecrist: by 21:15, the meeting will be long over. :) (21:09:09) mattock: ecrist: I'd love to attend that kind of meeting :) (21:09:50) mattock: any thoughts on getting proxy settings from PROXY environment variable on UNIX? (21:09:50) ***ecrist notes time here is UTC, which would make a meeting running past 21:15 over 3 hours long... (21:09:54) dazo: mattock: ACK ... that should be easy to fix (21:10:03) ecrist: mattock, that seems a simple solution (21:10:19) mattock: is the environment variable name always/usually the same? (21:10:23) mattock: like $PROXY (21:11:42) dazo: mattock: I believe it actually is $http_proxy (21:11:49) mattock: a clarification... I have to leave in 40 mins :D (21:11:59) mattock: forgot about different timezones :) (21:12:08) dazo: :) (21:12:21) mattock: ok, should we file a feature request? I don't think Jason has any code at hand (21:12:25) mattock: =ready (21:12:34) dazo: yeah, lets do that! (21:12:50) mattock: great! I'll add it to my todo list... unless I manage to file the request now (21:13:16) dazo: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-unix-set-proxy-environment-variable/ (21:13:17) vpnHelper: Title: How To Use Proxy Server To Access Internet at Shell Prompt With http_proxy Variable (at www.cyberciti.biz) (21:13:59) mattock: good link (21:14:16) mattock: ok, so this OpenBSD build failure would require James? (21:14:21) mattock: https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/ticket/17 (21:14:23) vpnHelper: Title: #17 (build failure on OpenBSD 4.7 IFF_MULTICAST) â OpenVPN (at community.openvpn.net) (21:15:00) dazo: I believe we just needed a verification from krzee that the patch does work ... and today I believe he gave a positive answer here (21:15:11) dazo: so I'm about to ACK that patch, it looks good (21:15:46) dazo: as a side note: I'm just wondering if we should anyway have these patches sent to the mailing list as well (21:15:48) mattock: ok, great! (21:16:20) dazo: what we do need to make James aware of is that we have found troubles with 'topology net30' on OpenBSD (21:16:24) mattock: I think we should... the more eyes look at the patches the better (21:16:35) mattock: ...I'll mail James (21:16:37) dazo: yeah .... I can ping cron2 about that (21:16:47) dazo: cron2 wrote that patch (21:18:24) dazo: ecrist: /me is thinking about $http_proxy env variable ... is that also valid on *BSD? (21:20:01) mattock: ok, mail sent (21:21:37) jamesyonan [~jamesy...@c-76-120-71-74.hsd1.co.comcast.net] è entrato nel canale. (21:21:45) jamesyonan: hi (21:21:51) dazo: Hi, James! (21:21:57) dazo: Good you're here! (21:22:36) mattock: dazo: *BSD _might_ support HTTP_PROXY: http://www.ivorde.ro/Setting_up_HTTP_PROXY_via_command_line_in_Linux_FreeBSD-107.html (21:22:39) vpnHelper: Title: Set up HTTP PROXY via command line in Linux/FreeBSD - Networking Devices (at www.ivorde.ro) (21:22:40) dazo: it's a rather silent meeting today ... but that gives us better possibilities to look at the SVN push I did some weeks ago, which I'm reluctant to call a success (21:22:45) mattock: I guess it's a "de facto" standard (21:22:56) dazo: mattock: that's what I wanted to be sure about :) (21:22:56) ecrist: dazo: no idea, I don't use proxy servers on freebsd (21:23:20) ecrist: it appears to be standard, though. (21:23:37) ecrist: HTTP_PROXY, that is, on freebsd (21:23:46) mattock: standard similarly to "#/your/shell/here" at the beginning of a script :D (21:24:01) dazo: yeah ... Linux seems to be http_proxy and not HTTP_PROXY ... but we can look for both (21:24:10) ecrist: you mean #!/path/to/interpreter (21:24:35) mattock: ecrist: good correction (21:24:37) dazo: nah, it's gonna be C code ... getenv("http_proxy") and getenv("HTTP_PROXY") (21:24:49) dazo: ahh (21:24:51) ***dazo misreadh (21:24:51) krzee: [11:17] <dazo> I believe we just needed a verification from krzee that the patch does work ... and today I believe he gave a positive answer here (21:25:08) krzee: i never tried the patch, i tried the result of it (defining it in config.h) (21:25:21) krzee: i did that before the patch existed (21:25:36) dazo: krzee: aha .. would you be so kind to try out that patch? (21:25:38) mattock: jamesyonan: did you read dazo's email about the SVN beta 2.2 issues? (21:25:44) mattock: ...already (21:25:46) krzee: work is insane today because we go live on the new system AND new phone system and database and all, so i have to wait til after work (21:25:52) krzee: yes, i certainly will, tonight (21:26:09) krzee: we go live on monday, hectic til then preparing (21:26:17) dazo: krzee: cool thx! Anyway, cron2 should mail the patch to the ML as well, to get more eyes on it too (21:27:09) mattock: hmm... I wonder if we could make Trac mail any attached patches to the mailing list automatically... (21:27:16) dazo: krzee: good luck with the upgrades :) (21:27:17) jamesyonan: mattock: yes, I did -- unfortunately, I'm not very familiar with git <-> svn conversions (21:27:40) dazo: jamesyonan: that's fair enough (21:27:48) dazo: I can explain why some of this happens (21:28:05) krzee: thanx =] (21:28:53) dazo: as SVN is centralised, it has a list over valid people who can do commits ... while git is de-centralised, thus there is no central database over valid committers ... so basically git eats whatever the committer is (it needs to be an e-mail address though, but it can by all means be a fake one) (21:30:08) dazo: the other thing is that git tries to keep the history as accurate as possible ... it takes no shortcuts .... so when I have an empty branch, and does a push to this SVN branch .... it will go all the way back, and commit each commit from git separately - and in this process rewrite committer to me (21:30:19) dazo: that is kind of the results we're having now (21:31:03) dazo: This might be very fine ... *but* it means that in the SVN revision history .... there will now exist two almost identical patches for all commits done in the BETA21 branch and the branch I was given (21:31:10) dazo: the only difference is the committer (21:31:24) dazo: and this, I believe might not be so good. (21:31:59) dazo: So I see two possible solutions ... both includes scrapping the current SVN branch I was given and "start from scratch" (21:32:40) dazo: solution A) I will compress all the OpenVPN history until the community patches comes in ... and then push that as one single commit to SVN (21:33:19) dazo: solution B) That my SVN branch gets prepared by James to be branched out of his latest BETA21 change .... so that I "continue" on top of that (21:34:22) dazo: The vast majority community patches do have pretty good Signed-off and Acked-by statements in the commit log, so that way we can still keep track of the commits I push to SVN (21:34:34) dazo: even though my pushes will be changed to me as the committer (21:35:24) jamesyonan: I have a python script that I use for svn merging of large numbers of commits from one branch to another, while retaining the full history (21:35:47) dazo: jamesyonan: that sounds like the thing we need then! (21:37:00) jamesyonan: http://secure.openvpn.net/tmp/massmerge.py (21:37:46) jamesyonan: this is for svn -> svn merges, but it contains the basic infrastructure for programmatic commits to svn (21:38:18) dazo: jamesyonan: what will we do with the current tree / branch? can we scrap it and roll back the history? (21:39:02) dazo: I have not done anything which is worth saving ... and I believe you have done the last change in BETA21 (21:41:19) jamesyonan: which tree? you mean /contrib/dazo ? (21:41:25) dazo: jamesyonan: yes (21:41:52) jamesyonan: why not just svn rm? (21:42:51) dazo: I was just open for us to remove the traces from the history ... as I expect svn rm will just leave yet another trace ... but if you're fine with that approach, sure, lets do that :) (21:46:37) mattock: what about the "topology subnet" + OpenBSD issue? (21:47:36) ***dazo interprets the silence as 'do svn rm' (21:48:26) dazo: re: openbsd + topology ... this is what krzee discovered: topology subnet is broken, no errors but good config doesnt work. on fbsd/openbsd i tested that using ipconfig-push <ip> <subnet> does not give an error when using net30 (but i believe it should / the code exists)... so it gives a topology subnet type ifconfig, which obviously doesnt work (21:49:14) jamesyonan: Let's think about this. It seems like git -> svn causes some information loss, and maintaing the git/svn repo relationship might be a time sink. Suppose we just migrate to git 100%. I need to understand how much effort this will require, how the history translates over, what changes would be required to build tools, etc. (21:49:54) dazo: jamesyonan: if you are willing to do such a move ... I'll help you out as much as I can (21:50:15) mattock: I think that's would solve most of the issues... (21:50:21) dazo: jamesyonan: A good starting point is this one: http://git.or.cz/course/svn.html (21:50:26) vpnHelper: Title: Git - SVN Crash Course (at git.or.cz) (21:51:07) mattock: what if we just continue pulling James' stuff from SVN to Git... and use Git for managing releases. (21:51:20) dazo: that is also doable (21:51:26) dazo: very much doable, actually (21:51:51) mattock: I mean, that would not require James to learn tons of git stuff - at least initially (21:51:58) dazo: but it might be more a challenge for James, as he will not be able to easily fix stuff in the git repo that way (21:52:21) jamesyonan: so I presume then that svn -> git conversion doesn't suffer the same loss of info as the reverse? (21:52:59) mattock: jamesyonan: that's how I've understood it (21:53:02) mattock: dazo? (21:53:06) dazo: jamesyonan: no, not at all ... if you clone the git repository ... you can even see which SVN revisions each git commit from you comes from (21:54:01) dazo: git is very conservative about the history ... it tracks both author and committer of each commit separately .... and it is almost impossible to rewrite the history like it seems it's possible to do with the python script James showed me (21:55:05) dazo: (it is possible to amend the last commit in git ... but by doing that, the commit ID changes ... so it is not trivial to do so if you have pushed your tree remote and someone have pulled the tree ... such modifications are identified immediately then) (21:56:24) mattock: sorry, I got to leave in ~5 mins... does something require my presence? (21:56:31) mattock: the buildbot stuff perhaps? (21:56:48) dazo: mattock: a quick update would be great :) (21:57:05) jamesyonan: I'm not really a fan of svn per-se. I'm totally open to migrating to git if it can be done in small steps. (21:58:12) mattock: ok... I've been working on various forums stuff lately, so nothing has really happened on BuildBot front. However, forum migration has been moving forward smoothly, so by the end of July buildbot + packages should be in good shape (21:58:18) dazo: jamesyonan: What if you clone the git tree ... you can play as much as you want with it, as all changes are done locally only - it's not before you begin to do 'git push' you give your changes away ... and then in the mean time while you're getting familiar, you can do your commits to SVN (21:58:30) dazo: and I will make sure to pull them down and put them into the git tree (21:58:55) jamesyonan: right -- the first step would be to clone the git tree and get the build system working on that (21:58:55) mattock: I'll hit the shower and check back in ~10 mins... then I'll have to go (21:59:28) jamesyonan: does anyone know if trac can be tied to both an svn and git repo at the same time (during the migration)? (21:59:46) dazo: jamesyonan: yeah .... something like that ... git clone git://openvpn.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/openvpn/openvpn-testing.git ... that should get you started (22:00:12) dazo: jamesyonan: if you have some time today, I can walk you through the basic things if you want, after this meeting (22:01:21) jamesyonan: dazo: sounds good -- I'll probably just immerse myself in the docs initially (22:01:23) dazo: mattock: you might have a better overview over trac, git and svn ...? (22:02:02) dazo: jamesyonan: sounds good :) And whenever you wonder about something ... let me know .... there's also #git here on FreeNode as well (22:03:59) mattock: jamesyonan: I think Trac (0.11 at least) only supports one VCS backend at one time (22:04:13) mattock: and git support is pretty slow - at least the browsing stuff (22:04:26) dazo: jamesyonan: I dont know how much time you have for reading .... but to really understand git and how it works ... the book ProGit is really worth reading ... http://progit.org/book/ (it's also published on paper) (22:04:28) vpnHelper: Title: Pro Git - Table of Contents (at progit.org) (22:06:03) mattock: the Git user manual is also pretty good, I read it a while back: http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/user-manual.html (22:06:05) vpnHelper: Title: Git User's Manual (for version 1.5.3 or newer) (at www.kernel.org) (22:06:26) mattock: git takes a little getting used to, but seems less shaky than SVN (22:06:34) mattock: and more powerful (22:06:53) mattock: confusing SVN does not take much (22:07:01) mattock: at least in my experience (22:07:04) dazo: yeah, but I found it easier to read ProGit actually ... explaining all those strange git words before going deep :) (22:07:21) mattock: dazo: I guess I'll have to read it too, then :) (22:07:25) ***ecrist tires of git vs svn conversations (22:07:33) dazo: but it's a while since I've looked at the official git docs :) (22:07:56) mattock: ok, did we make a decision to move to git? (22:08:12) jamesyonan: ack (22:08:18) mattock: ok (22:08:30) mattock: anything else on this topic? (22:09:47) mattock: if not, I don't think we yet discussed this one: "Another bug being debugged with OpenBSD as well, which krzee discovered lately - broken topology subnet" (22:10:14) ***dazo resends krzee observation (22:10:15) dazo: so here is the other things with openbsd: topology subnet is broken, no errors but good config doesnt work. on fbsd/openbsd i tested that using ipconfig-push <ip> <subnet> does not give an error when using net30 (but i believe it should / the code exists)... so it gives a topology subnet type ifconfig, which obviously doesnt work (22:14:41) jamesyonan: Are you saying that ifconfig of tun interface on OpenBSD using the <ip> <subnet> form doesn't work? (22:16:00) ***dazo looks up the conversation in his history (22:17:08) jamesyonan: i.e. is the bug something in OpenVPN or is it just that OpenBSD can't handle ifconfig <ip> <subnet> on tun interfaces? (22:18:41) dazo: I think it is related to some OpenBSD syntax ... I found something now ... putting on pastebin now (22:19:09) dazo: jamesyonan: http://pastebin.com/ErrCTMss (22:19:35) dazo: so it actually do configure the tun device correctly ... but it stops there (22:20:51) dazo: more info: http://pastebin.com/sz5nSTmj (22:21:57) mattock: ok, I'll leave now. Have a nice rest of the meeting! Bye! (22:22:08) mattock: I'll write the summary tomorrow as usual (22:22:15) dazo: mattock: thx! (22:22:20) mattock: and create the HTTP_PROXY feature request (22:22:28) dazo: lovely! (22:22:41) ***dazo needs to go in a few minutes as well (22:23:18) mape2k ha abbandonato il canale (quit: Read error: Operation timed out). (22:24:25) jamesyonan: well if this is a bug, isn't it just a matter of adjusting the ifconfig command issued on OpenBSD? (22:25:00) dazo: Yeah, I just noticed cron2's suspicion ... so I think that if he's right about that, there is something more deeper going on here (22:25:25) dazo: fkr on this channel is doing the OpenVPN packages for OpenBSD, so he might be able to help out (22:26:13) dazo: but we can make this a follow-up task ... and make sure that it gets attention by someone in the community who have overview over this (22:30:38) ***dazo needs to go now (22:31:42) dazo: jamesyonan: thanks for joining today! And you did indeed surprise with your willingness to move away from SVN ... I was not expecting that at all! (22:34:06) dazo: bye bye!