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On 22/04/10 18:40, Siegfried Müller - MB Connect Line GmbH wrote:
> Hi developers,
> does anyone tried the "inactive" option with the openvpn version 2.1.1?
> I step up from 2.0.1 to 2.1.1 and get the problem, that the client does not 
> disconnect after inactivity.
> If i set the option "ping 0" instead of "ping 10" the inactivity works. Could 
> that be a problem, that the new version does retrigger the inactivity-timeout 
> with his own ping?
> any ideas?

Having just poked quickly at the code, it seems that "ping 0" disables
the pinging completely.  As a ping packet will cause traffic on the
tunnel, the connection will then not be inactive.  If it worked
differently on OpenVPN 2.0, I can understand you are surprised.

On the other hand, how the code now looks like, this seems to be the
expected behaviour in OpenVPN 2.1.  So using --ping would disable the
- --inactive feature indirectly.

If this was an intended change or not, that I do not know.  But I'll try
to remember to mention it on the developers meeting today.

kind regards,

David Sommerseth
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


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