On 02/28/2010 06:27:54 AM, David Sommerseth wrote:
> On 09/04/09 05:03, Karl O. Pinc wrote:


> > The OpenVPN devs have a "built" source tree in which they run
> > install-win32/buildinstaller.  My point being that
> > if they would package it up
> > and release it alongside the resultant installer
> > none of these sorts of issues would ever come up.
> >
> > Attached is a patch that produces a un-nsis-installer
> > windows binary release as part of the build process.
> >
> > Apply it with:
> >
> > cd openvpn
> > patch -p1 < buildbinaryrelease.patch
> >
> > The result is a file named something like:
> > openvpn-2.1_rc15-winbinaries.tar.gz
> >
> > I deliberately produce a tar.gz file
> > rather than a zip file to keep
> > Windows people from downloading it accidentally
> > instead of the Windows installer exe.
> >
> > There is more work to be done.  The file needs to
> > be signed and put on the website every time there's
> > a release.  I don't see anything in svn to patch
> > that would aid this process.
> Hi!
> I'm going through the mailing list, picking up patches which seems 
> not
> to be included.  Is this patch still interesting to get included? 

I would like to see it included.  

The goal is to allow people to create
custom installers for MS Windows without having to rebuild
the source or cross compile.  The point of the patch
is to support an "unpackaged" release of the MS Windows
binaries.  In other words raw binaries that are not
part of an installer, which can then be packaged
using the nsis installer to produce a custom install.

As noted above this means that the official OpenVPN project
would have to actually release such binaries.  If the
project does not want to do this there is no point in
having the patch.

So, this requires upstream approval.  In some ways this
is no different from other patches, except that it requires
ongoing work as new releases come out -- or if not that
then a change to whatever automated process (unavailable to
us, at least at the time the patch was written) that puts 
releases out to the public.

> This
> one applies cleanly to the master branch.
> I see that this patch is also followed by this one:
> <http://article.gmane.org/gmane.network.openvpn.devel/2581>

Yes.  The second patch is to the documentation so that people
know what to do with unpackaged MS Windows binaries.  Not
much point in releasing the binaries unless there's documentation.

> This patch do not apply at all, as the standard checked out tree do
> not
> have INSTALL-win32.html, only INSTALL-win32.txt.  Is this correct?  I
> can't find this HTML file in the 2.1_rc15 nor 2.1_rc16, which was
> current when this patch was sent to the mailing list.

The OpenVPN site has restructured since this patch was written.

I'd be happy to redo the documentation patch, but I don't see
any point in doing so without some assurance that the effort
will not be wasted.  How can I get some feedback on this?


Karl <k...@meme.com>
Free Software:  "You don't pay back, you pay forward."
                 -- Robert A. Heinlein

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