I've patched the NSIS installer to omit the Windows version check.

Try this installer:



István Szukács wrote:
Hi folks!

I am wondering if you have ever had success to run openvpn on windows 7. The problem is the latest installer(http://openvpn.net/release/openvpn-2.1_rc15-install.exe) says this version is not supporting windows.... I try to install http://openvpn.se/files/install_packages/openvpn-2.0.9-gui-1.0.3-install.exe, works fine except the fact that the tap driver is not signed and because of this it remains disabled and you cannot use openvpn(but runs well up to the point when initialize the driver).

If you could point me a doc how to make it run on win7 it would be much appreciated. If I could help with anything the win7 build let me know....


the sun shines for all


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