Hi, a long time ago Juanjo Ciarlante wrote a patch for openvpn to create a tunnel via ipv6 [1]. Later i fixed the patch to work with openvpn-2.0 and 2.1 which i use on OpenWRT and Gentoo. Roy (from Gentoo) wrote about this also to the devel-list [1]. But since that no one answered :(
What about IPv6-support to create a tunnel over IPv6? Since my first patch i try to adapt the patch to newer versions. This patches are not properly tested but works fine for me (on gentoo).[2][3] I'm not able to adapt the patch detailed 'cause of not enough knowledge about the source and missing programming skills. JuanJo want some integration to the official openvpn source code, but knowone did this until now. [1] http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=20070629101345.0f8beeba%40uberlaptop.marples.name [2] http://source.pennewiss.de/openvpn/udp6/ [3] http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=183457 Are there plans to integrate it to the future? Regards, Marcel