By looking at tun.c, I saw it was possible to enable quite easily Ethernet Bridging for NetBSD. ( only tunneling was enabled up to now in the source code )

After applying the patch, you have to create the device before starting the vpn with 'ifconfig tap0 create'. I tested this with a NetBSD client connected to a Linux server in bridging mode and it just works.

Attached is the patch to tun.c for openvpn 2.0.5


--- tun.c.orig  2006-01-07 17:56:51.000000000 +0000
+++ tun.c       2006-01-07 18:08:22.000000000 +0000
@@ -690,7 +690,19 @@ do_ifconfig (struct tuntap *tt,
-       no_tap_ifconfig ();
+      /*
+       * NetBSD has distinct tun and tap devices
+       * so we don't need the "link0" extra parameter to specify we want to do 
+       * tunneling at the ethernet level
+       */
+               openvpn_snprintf (command_line, sizeof (command_line),
+                         IFCONFIG_PATH " %s %s netmask %s mtu %d broadcast %s",
+                         actual,
+                         ifconfig_local,
+                         ifconfig_remote_netmask,
+                         tun_mtu,
+                         ifconfig_broadcast
+                         );
       msg (M_INFO, "%s", command_line);
       system_check (command_line, es, S_FATAL, "NetBSD ifconfig failed");
       tt->did_ifconfig = true;

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