
I like PKCS#11 support in new OpenVPN 2.1beta7. But I need to start client
using eToken without user interaction, i.e. to read the user PIN from a
file. A have already made a very simple hack to the pkcs11.c - the name of
the file storing the PIN is hardcoded, see end of the post. I like to have
this feature in the future releases of the OpenVPN. If you want, I can try
to implemented it better. My ideas are

1) either to use existing --auth-user-pass or --askpass options,
2) or to make a new option, i.e. --pkcs11-pin-file

           Ondrej Medek

--- pkcs11.c.orig       2005-11-02 19:02:52.000000000 +0100
+++ pkcs11.c    2005-12-27 10:29:09.830280656 +0100
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@

        token_pass.defined = false;
        token_pass.nocache = true;
-       get_user_pass (&token_pass, NULL, szPrompt, 
+       get_user_pass (&token_pass, "pin", szPrompt, 
        strncpynt (szPIN, token_pass.password, nMaxPIN);
        purge_user_pass (&token_pass, true);

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