Hello List, OpenVPN v2.0.5 works much better that v2.0.2 in my totally non-IP environment.
I have a LAN (all-winXP-SP2) where all the file-sharing is done with NetBEUI. IP family is used only to access the external hosts through POP3, SMTP and HTTP[S]. "NetBIOS over TCP/IP" is disabled on all instances of TCP/IP on all adapters, all 135~139 and 445 ports are closed. There is no domain, no WINS, only a good old workgroup. When I bridge TAP-win32 with NIC and unbind the file-sharing off the TCP/IP (on the sever) - the remote connection works with some anomalities. Namely those anomalities are (please compare to my 8 Sep 2005 02:32:11 post) now: - the road warrior (winXP-SP2) machine now can access the sharings of the OpenVPN server and other's on the LAN; - any attempt made on all other LAN machines to browse (via the short-cut to the workgroup) the neibourhood ends with the "You have no access rights..." failure, but if they search the neibourhood manually - they can discover and access the workgroup (including the road warrior now) on one-by-one basis (i.e. it takes to search for the particular machine to discover it, all others stay invisible still, the neibourhood remains unpopulated); - the OpenVPN server does not loose all the file-sharing ability when the road warrior connects, it's neibourhood gets populated as it should; - the road warrior now can see and access the whole workgroup's sharings, the neibourhood stays unpopulated, it takes the manual searching to discover any machine there; OpenVPN v2.0.5, runs as the service in the bridged mode. Please comment. I'm not subscribed to the list, so, please CC to me. -- Best regards, Anthony