Albert Siersema wrote:
Strange... I don't understand what is the difference between the
--show-pkcs11-* and the --askpass...
Just to make sure... --show-pkcs11-slots prompt for PIN???

Yes it pops up the PIN dialog window (GUI) from the safesign middleware so
to speak.
askpass shows a prompt on stdout and reads from stdin.

Can you please check that beta6 does not popup GUI? (During normal operation). It is very strange, I don't understand why the provider need authentication for show slots... Please remember that askpass option should no longer be specified.

But it does!
Use the management interface.
Put the following in your configuration file:

Yes, just what I thought :) After browsing through the beta4 source and
manual pages 'n all I saw this one as well. It has potential but for it to
be useful to a mere user (i.e. less computer literate people) a kind of GUI
wrapper has to be written. I was thinking about this along the lines of
combining it with something like:

I think that the service can always be started and put "on hold", then using the management you can control when it connects. It makes the GUI much simpler... And it does not need special permission, like start/stop service...

I will write a simple perl script that does it for you soon...

If I come up with a non-perl but GUI-y like solution i'll post it to the
list as well.

It would be great...
Do you know the openvpn GUI? (
It does not work with the management interface yet... So you can start from something...

Best Regards,
Alon Bar-Lev.

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