Em Ter, 2005-09-27 às 21:58 -0400, Leonard Isham escreveu:
> On 9/27/05, Marcelo Toledo <marc...@marcelotoledo.org> wrote:
> > I have one OpenVPN server version 2.0.2 using TCP port 1194 with TLS
> > with about 400 clients connected to it. From time to time it's
> > impossible to ping the client from the server, but if you log into the
> > client and ping the server, the server now became able to ping the
> > client. I made a lot of tests removing the bridge and trying a older
> > versions of openvpn and the problem still hapenning with about 20% of
> > the clients connected to the vpn.
> >
> > here is the config of the client and server:
> >
> > mode server
> > port 1194
> > proto tcp-server
> > dev tap
> [snip]
> Observations:
> 1. 400 clients... 1 server only?

Yes, 400 clients and only 1 server.

> 2. TAP means additional overhead full ethernet packet encapsulated in
> TCP/IP packet.  Broadcasts, fragmented ethernet datagrams  and for 400
> clients....

We don't use TUN because from what I know it opens one connection per
port and also one configuration per client, which is insane for a 400
clients and growing (we're going to reach 600 by the end of this year).

> 3. TCP over TCP is not recommended. The internal congestion control
> can conflict with the external congestion control.

We already used OpenVPN with UDP, but the oscillations were much higher
then today, that's why we migrated to TCP.

> 4. What is your full bandwidth and usable bandwidth at the server?

We have 3MB and we're using half of it (1.5).

what do you think?
Marcelo Toledo <marc...@marcelotoledo.org>

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